Open GL ES initialization fail on device

I try to run sample app on device that uses Open GL ES, it installs but can't run.
Here is what log says:

ERROR / GlesCubeSample ( 1227 : 1227 ) : bool GlesCube::InitGL()(392) > [GlesCube] bShaderCompiled = GL_FALSE
ERROR / GlesCubeSample ( 1227 : 1227 ) : virtual bool GlesCube::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &)(204) > [GlesCube] GlesCube::InitGL() failed.
INFO / GlesCubeSample ( 1227 : 1227 ) : virtual bool GlesCube::OnAppInitializing(Tizen::App::AppRegistry &)(228) > [GlesCube] GlesCube::OnAppInitializing eglError : 0x3000
INFO / GlesCubeSample ( 1227 : 1227 ) : [GlesCube] GlesCube::OnAppInitializing glError : 0
INFO / GlesCubeSample ( 1227 : 1227 ) : [GlesCube] GlesCube::OnAppInitializing VENDOR : (null)
INFO / GlesCubeSample ( 1227 : 1227 ) : [GlesCube] GlesCube::OnAppInitializing GL_RENDERER : (null)
INFO / GlesCubeSample ( 1227 : 1227 ) : [GlesCube] GlesCube::OnAppInitializing GL_VERSION : (null)

What can I do to make initialization not fail?
I already enabled 3D acceleration using this guide:


2 Replies
Pushpa G

which sdk version are you using?Did you try in the latest one 2.2.1?

Pushpa G

And when you install the opengles driver in your device, did it install successfully?100%?