Life cycle of cookie on EWK webview



I'm developing application with Tizen web view(EWK) for 2.3.1 wearable, and have some troubles to maintain the Google login information on web view.


I guessed that login information would be maintained if the cookie is alive, so I added below codes.

Ewk_Settings* settings = ewk_view_settings_get(ad->web_view);
ewk_settings_javascript_enabled_set(settings, EINA_TRUE);
ewk_settings_scripts_can_open_windows_set(settings, EINA_TRUE);

Ewk_Context* context = ewk_view_context_get(ad->web_view);
Ewk_Cookie_Manager* cookieManager = ewk_context_cookie_manager_get(context);
ewk_cookie_manager_accept_policy_set(cookieManager, EWK_COOKIE_ACCEPT_POLICY_ALWAYS);


And I made manifest file such as below.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<manifest xmlns="" api-version="2.3.1" package="my.appid" version="1.2.2">
    <profile name="wearable"/>
    <ui-application appid="my.appid" exec="my_app" hw-acceleration="on" multiple="false" nodisplay="false" taskmanage="true" type="capp">
        <label>My App</label>
    <feature name="">true</feature>
    <feature name="">true</feature>
    <feature name="">true</feature>

However, in spite of that, my Google account was logged out when I terminate my application. IMHO, cookie is removed from device if I terminate my app.


My questions are here :

1. Is it impossible to maintain the cookie after the app termination on 2.3.1 wearable platform?

2. or should I do something more?


Thanks regards!


9 Replies
Mango Bar

Could you maintain Webview  cookie in mobile  with the same code ?


There is no problem to maintain cookie information on mobile emulator.


Furthermore, my login information is maintained even without above codes!


Is this limitation of wearable platform???


And sorry for duplicated answer. I can not understand why I can not delete my wrong answer :(


There is no problem to maintain cookie information on mobile emulator.


Furthermore, my login information is maintained even without above codes!


Is this limitation of wearable platform???

Mango Bar

did you check it in real device ? couldn't it maintain in real device ?


I don't have Tizen mobile device. Only Gear S2. The codes did not work  at all in wearable emulator and real Gear S2 device.

  Real Device Emulator
Mobile ??? OK
Wearable NOK NOK

I guess that my codes would work on mobile real device as in the mobile emulator.


IMHO, it does not matter whether it is a real device or an emulator. As you can see, in case of wearable, my code did not work in both side.

Mango Bar

Which sdk you used ? Also please mention your gear software version and model number (SM-????) ? 

For software version goto 

Settings--> Gear info --> About device-->Software version

Model Number

Settings--> Gear info --> About device-->Model number 


I'm using Tizen Studio 1.0.1. And here are my device information :

Software Version => R732XXU2DPFB

Model Number => SM-R732

Mango Bar

OK. I also faced the same issue. Its may be limitation of current software version of Gear S2. Hopefully samsung will resolve this problem in upcomming software version.

Jeeho Yoo

OK, it seems to be not my fault... Thank you very much!