
Internet on Gear S3 Watch

I'm developing application for Samsung Gear S3 that needs access to internet.

When watch is connected to wifi all works well but when I turn off wifi on watch I receive network unreachable errors (watch connected to phone via bluetooth and phone has access to the internet)

How for example weather app works without wifi connection and how to implement it in my application.

Edited by: Igor Stuzhuk on 04 Apr, 2017


10 Replies
Shaswati Saha

You may develop companion app in this scenario as the weather app is doing the same. Please go through the below link:

You'll get some sample app in the above link, those app may help you to understand how companion applications work. Go through the descriptions of those apps and pick a relevant one. Hope it'll make the concept clear to you.


Igor Stuzhuk

Thanks for your answer, but is it possible to use network without additional phone apps.

Shaswati Saha

Then, you've to turn on wifi in the Gear Device.

Tiny Titles

Thats really a strange solution. The wearable API should make the internet connection transparent regardless of it beeing thorug wifi or thorugh BT->Phone->Mobiledata. Samsung already has a companion app running on the phone (Samsung Gear)! Why should every developer wanting this feature be writing his own companion app? That seems very inefficient on the phoneside atleast.

I too need this but it's not straght forward building a companin app as a service to forward this information....

How come varuious browsers on Gear S3 work with out wifi and a companion app on my phone? Did they install a service to my phone I do see?

If anyone can point to a good sampleapp doing just this I am very interested!




Shaswati Saha

So far I know, if we want something from internet then we need access to internet through a way like wifi or from mobile using Gear Manager (in case of gear). Would you please make it clear, what you're trying to mean by this line "The wearable API should make the internet connection transparent regardless of it beeing thorug wifi or thorugh BT->Phone->Mobiledata."? 

Brian Mouton
Hello, I'm new to Tizen and do not think this was answered very well.
In Android and in .NET Windows development, when a developer wants their application to make calls to the web they often do not need to be concerned with whether the device has Wifi, Ethernet, or Cellular access.
The expectation is that an application for example calls GET on a URL and it just works without needing to take into consideration HOW the host device is connected to the internet.
The expectation is that mobile data on a smart phone tethered via bluetooth to a Wearable is just another AVAILALBE internet connection to that Wearable and should be treated the same as Wifi or Cellular access.
90% of useful apps need internet access to some degree. Building a companion app just to ensure always available internet access sounds expensive. And Wearables WITH Cellular connections ARE expensive.
Shaswati Saha

Hi Brian Mouton

Please refer to Kiwook Hong's response in this post. According to that, you may able to use mobile data from wearable device and transfer http requests via proxy address. You may try with CURL API and share your findings here if possible.

Shaswati Saha

And for the browser in Gear S3, you may try using Gear Browser app which I've found in store for free.

Igor Stuzhuk

The question is how for example gear browser uses internet through phone without companion app.

Kiwook Hong

Hello, Igor.

If it was available using wifi, I think you already implemented the code.

I think you want to access internet from Gear via connected Phone's data network.

For that, you should consider and implement web proxy. See the guide and check the web proxy contents.