How to install app compiled from SDK in a real phone

Hi to all.

   Just I compiled an APP from source code, Terminal3 for be exact, in the Tizen SDK (I am the same user that ask for ARM, I did at work, stills can not do at home), compile good, I did the arm package for Tizen 2.4 (the same that I have in my phone), signed good, everything suscessful, I sent the file bu email and download in my phone, I launched the instalation from the file manager, asked me for accept permissons, and then says "instalation fault".

Any idea about what was wrong?

Thanks to all!


10 Replies
Peter Wegner


Which Target device?



Can you give model name?

Example. My Target device is the commercial SM-Z130H and I have RD-PQ to play with...



Reference Devices are different... rooted and prepared for "easy" install of valid signed apps.

For commercial devices, like Z1, Z3... you need mandatory Certificate stuff with proper DUID on device... or modified rootfs.img



With SDB it is easier to identify your problem...

sdb install balblaNameOfApp.TPK

If Error 61... then most reason... you have no proper certificate in home/developer

Error 23 is also often...


Best Regards

Peter Wegner

Look here:


This funny adventure is only mandatory for commercial devices with unmodified rootfs.img.

It is possible to remove valid device-profile.xml check...


Best Regards

Peter Wegner

Okidoki. Found in other thread your phone seems TM1...

TM1 is reference device... rooted and ready to install TPK without additional device-profile.xml action...


Maybe you have luck... and your problem is time/date related... Check if your TM1 have correct time and date...

As Certs can also expire...

Wrong date leads also to Error 61...


If this not help...

Somebody could check your result... I mean your TPK.


For instance try RTL... first...


If in first attempt no luck... try also other Servers... Z1 and /or Z3...

Sometimes RTL device is not proper prepared...

You could check folder:


If device-profile.xml is inside...

RTL devices NOT ever work 100 % correct... Only to be sure this is problem in package...


Best Regards

Carlos Dominguez

Hello Peter.

First, thanks a lot for your answer, and your time, because was so complet, and useful! My target is a SM-300H, non rooted, I can not use SDB because my SDK is in a virtual machine in my work office computer (I can not plug phone in front of my boss...) and at home I have a  ARM based computer, then I can not install SDK or CLI.

BTW time and date are OK, sould be commercial restrictions.

I was reading your post, I want to develop for opensource community, not for Tizen market (publishing the code in github), then maybe the solution is root the device or install a costum rom? Can you recomed me any custom rom?, there is any link explaining how to do? Dont want a kill the phone before any progress...

Thanks an other time!!!!

Peter Wegner

Safest step is to check, if your app/tpk is really valid result. Before any other actions...


Find an way to use RTL with your app:


If your Boss not amused... find an Internet PC in family or maybe friends can help you...


Best Regards

Carlos Dominguez

hello Peter, i can not use the RTL form my home compueter, I will try from work, but I can not do confortable, then I am focus now in flash my device with a modified rootfs.img. I found this image:

Do you know if its that I need? Any other sugestion?

Peter Wegner

The Link you found is correct...

You need on your SM-Z300H latest Firmware installed:


But I have no idea, if you find Tool Odin for your "ARM Computer"...

Here you can see Video instruction how to flash Z3:


If BPD4 is allready on your device, you need only unpack zip.


And flash only the TAR file. No other files needed.


Best Regards

Peter Wegner



This TAR remove device-profile.xml check, because Distributor Cert is added and fingerprint_list.xml "completed"...

Compare fingerprint_lis.xml from reference device firmware... with commercial Z1/Z3 files... in example:

TM1 or RD-PQ files with Z1/Z3...


Best Regards

Carlos Dominguez

Thank a lot! Is solved.

But I didnt use Odin, because Odin is only for windows, I used Heimdall

I compiled for my ARM linux and flashed prefect! Actually I flashed a custom rom from sagsbada:

witch already have the right modification, and after that I could install perfectly my app!
Thanks Peter and Sagsbada.
Carlos Dominguez

Thank a lot! Is solved.

But I didnt use Odin, because Odin is only for windows, I used Heimdall

I compiled for my ARM linux and flashed prefect! Actually I flashed a custom rom from sagsbada:

witch already have the right modification, and after that I could install perfectly my app!
Thanks Peter and Sagsbada.