Hello Accessory Sample app doesn’t work in gear S2…advice me, please

hi !!

I'm trying to test  hello accessory app ( Consumer..for gear S2 )

but why should not start this app....i don't know...


this is error text...

Launching helloaccessoryconsumer - Debug has encountered a problem

The program file specified in the launch configuration does not exist

The program file specified in the launch configuration does not exist
C:\Users\jojaeyong\Desktop\Tizen pj\Consumer2\Debug\helloaccessoryconsumer not found


I found an error that Tizen ide could not make binary file....maybe....

However, I don't know how to solve this error. Could you help me? 


Edited on 30 01, 2016


2 Replies
재용 조

I solved this problem..myself...


this is solution ..

Project -> properties -> C/C++ Build -> Builder Settings -> Builder 

and... Check Use default bulid command...




재용 조

I solved this problem..myself...


this is solution ..

Project -> properties -> C/C++ Build -> Builder Settings -> Builder 

and... Check Use default bulid command...

