Failed to launch app on emulator

I am write a demo native app. Yesterday, I can launch the app on emulator successfully. Today, I am add one more .c and .edc file, building action is correct, but when try to "Run As > Tizen Native Application" on emulator, I got below error message:

Cannot remove application.

Error message: 
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -q -u -t tpk -n org.tizen.myweixin
Management: Check package components in Project Explorer.

Is there anybody encounter such issue?


5 Replies
colin Rao

It's ok today. I am just reboot my PC, then the app can running on emulator normally. It's strange, I don't know why.

zeeshan qaiser

Strange things are happening at my side as well ;) 

Marco Buettner

Since 2.3 is just see the Lockscreen and cannot unlock this screen and so I can not see my apps on emulator. Also my Mouse isnt working in the emulator so no touch interaction possible

daniel kim

I observed the same problem before. I suggest you to reboot your PC if you face the unlock problem of emulator.

and did you disable GPU in below menu?

    Emulator manager --> Detail --> HW support --> GPU

colin Rao

No, I don't disable the GPU, its default setting is on.