Error on launching native sample app on Tizen Device
Hi, All! 
I have big problem with launching native application on RDPQ.
Message of error is next:
Cannot install application.
The result of executing the command is not equal  : pkgcmd -q -i -t tpk -p /opt/apps/PKGS/LlAsuMkxTm-1.0.0-arm.tpk; echo cmd_ret:$?;
 See the error log for more details."
Can someone help me?


2 Replies
Flash the correct binary in your target device and check below link for more details.
john Smith
Try with below steps. 1.Before generating any TPK packages, kindly select device in project Explorer and build the project first .After the project built successfully, you can create TPK packages. 2.When TPK package created, you can find the TPK packages in “Debug-Tizen-Device” folder which will be available in same application folder. 3. After that push the TPK file to /opt/apps folder. This folder you can get in Connection Explorer -> Click on Device -> opt -> apps. 4.After pushing the file, go to the tizen sdk installation path. In command prompt go to tizen-sdk(installation path) -> tools Run below command sdb –d shell you will able to login shell prompt. pkgcmd -q -i -t tpk -p/opt/apps/ tpkpackagename.tpk(give the TPK packages name, which you push to apps folder) cd /usr/bin To run the application on device, launch_app appID.AppName