Hi, All
I have an UI Application with a map widget, I create some icon overlays and one bubble overlay on the map.
I am trying to delete these overlays in an button's click callback, the app crashed while call elm_map_overlay_del(), post the crash log here, hope the expert can help me to solve this issue. Thank You !!!
Eina_List *list; Elm_Map_Overlay *data; list = elm_map_overlays_get(ad->map); if(list) { EINA_LIST_FREE(list, data) elm_map_overlay_del(data);
Callstack Information (PID:6308)
Call Stack Count: 23
0: elm_map_overlay_del + 0x1f (0xb74df50f) [/usr/lib/libelementary.so.1] + 0x1d550f
1: _overlays_clear + 0xb9 (0xb4b002b9) [/opt/usr/apps/org.example.gpsdemo/bin/gpsdemo] + 0x42b9
2: _btn_searchtxt_clicked_cb + 0x3c (0xb4afffdc) [/opt/usr/apps/org.example.gpsdemo/bin/gpsdemo] + 0x3fdc
3: (0xb712a906) [/usr/lib/libevas.so.1] + 0x88906
4: (0xb671a979) [/usr/lib/libeo.so.1] + 0xe979
5: eo_event_callback_call + 0xb3 (0xb6717d33) [/usr/lib/libeo.so.1] + 0xbd33
6: evas_object_smart_callback_call + 0x75 (0xb712d1d5) [/usr/lib/libevas.so.1] + 0x8b1d5
7: (0xb73dcd64) [/usr/lib/libelementary.so.1] + 0xd2d64
8: (0xb7010fc9) [/usr/lib/libedje.so.1] + 0x83fc9
9: (0xb7018881) [/usr/lib/libedje.so.1] + 0x8b881
10: (0xb701206c) [/usr/lib/libedje.so.1] + 0x8506c
11: (0xb701255b) [/usr/lib/libedje.so.1] + 0x8555b
12: (0xb701271f) [/usr/lib/libedje.so.1] + 0x8571f
13: (0xb7078782) [/usr/lib/libecore.so.1] + 0x13782
14: (0xb70720d5) [/usr/lib/libecore.so.1] + 0xd0d5
15: (0xb707b239) [/usr/lib/libecore.so.1] + 0x16239
16: ecore_main_loop_begin + 0x57 (0xb707b607) [/usr/lib/libecore.so.1] + 0x16607
17: elm_run + 0x17 (0xb74cdd47) [/usr/lib/libelementary.so.1] + 0x1c3d47
18: appcore_efl_main + 0x4be (0xb76eeb2e) [/usr/lib/libappcore-efl.so.1] + 0x3b2e
19: ui_app_main + 0x140 (0xb586bfb0) [/usr/lib/libcapi-appfw-application.so.0] + 0x4fb0
20: main + 0x2aa (0xb4afe5ca) [/opt/usr/apps/org.example.gpsdemo/bin/gpsdemo] + 0x25ca
21: (0xb77220fa) [/opt/usr/apps/org.example.gpsdemo/bin/gpsdemo] + 0xb77220fa
22: __libc_start_main + 0xde (0xb6c19e4e) [/lib/libc.so.6] + 0x17e4e
End of Call Stack