
confused usage of wifi_connect_by_wps_pin()



the usage of wifi_connect_by_wps_pin() is curious!!


There is 3 types of WPS mode, button, pin from router, pin from device, as i know

but, the api document is not enough to fully understand. whether this is form "pin from router" or "pin from device"



I think that the parameter "[in] pin" seems like putting the pin from router.

 -> wifi_connect_by_wps_pin() is a function for implemeting "pin from router WPS"


but, I got the reply from the tizen developer, it's for "pin from device"


is there any one able to clear it??

when i tested that functions is working well when i put the pin from router to [in] pin parameters.




int wifi_connect_by_wps_pin  ( wifi_ap_h  ap,    const char *  pin,    wifi_connected_cb  callback,    void *  user_data   )
     [in] ap                    The access point handle 
     [in] pin                   The WPS PIN is a non-NULL string with length greater than 0 and less than or equal to 8 
     [in] callback          The callback function to be called (this can be NULL if you don't want to get the notification) 
     [in] user_data       The user data passed to the callback function





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pius lee

"PIN from router" is correct. (PIN on the router sticker!)

As I know "PIN from device" is used for registering at the router. so API can't be have registering function for this.

And wifi_connect_by_wps_pbc is function for Push Button.

I think PBC is a acronym of "Push Button Certification".