Concatenate a png images

Hi to all! I am trying to make a OpenStreetMap client, OSM servers allow to download a png images of 256 x 256 px, well I want to concatenate a at least 9 of this images in a big png only in memory, only for the view, I dont want to save, and then make zoom and move in the view.

I have two questions:

How to concatenate in memory a collection of png in 2 dimensions?

For show a part of the image witch tecnology use, Canvas?

Thanks to all!


2 Replies
Shaswati Saha


I would like to suggest you to use libpng in this purpose. By using libpng you'll be able to read the image files and write all of those image

files data in one PNG file. Please go through the link below:


Carlos Dominguez

This is perfect! Thanks!