Clear stack of naviframe

Hi All,

I am trying to clear the stack of naviframe view using below code. But it is deleting only one frame evenif code deletes 5 frames in my case.

void pop_all_view_from_naviframe(){
    Evas_Object *obj;
    while(naviframe_stack_size_ > 0){
        obj = elm_naviframe_item_pop(_naviframe_);
        INFO("naviframe_stack_size_ = %d", naviframe_stack_size_);

What is the correct way to empty the naviframe stack?

Thank you.


3 Replies
Alex Dem

I think in your case could be enough:

    Elm_Object_Item *bottom_it = elm_naviframe_bottom_item_get(nf);


Dharmesh Guna

Thanks Alex,

It helped me a lot :)

Alex Dem

also, fyi: in all cases I have got for obj =  elm_naviframe_item_pop (with) obj ==NULL, and also  elm_naviframe_item_pop deletes top naviframe item itself, and shows item which was underneath.