
Can't use GPS Sensor & Altitude Sensor in Gear S3 without Smartphone

I develop my program with location(GPS/WPS) data using Gear S3 (Celluar ver.,). I have confirmed in the specification that the Gear S3 has a GPS sensor. However, if I develop using the given guide and code snippets in this site, I have confirmed that callback set by location_manager_set_service_state_changed_cb function or location_manager_set_position_updated_cb function is called only when Gear S3 is connected to Bluetooth with smartphone.

location_manager_create(LOCATIONS_METHOD_HYBRID, &(ad->manager));

			standalone_gps_state_changed_cb, ad);

			location_update_cb, 1, ad);

I have also checked that if I turn off Bluetooth on my smartphone or Gear S3, the callback will no longer be called. 

In conclusion Gear S3 does not seem to be able to receive GPS data by itself when it is away from a smartphone. I would like to know if there is a way to using location data in Gear S3 without Smartphone connection.

And is there no way to use an altitude sensor added to Gear S3? The altitude value received from the location manager appears to be different from the altitude sensor and it was always zero or nan when Gear S3 was not connected with smartphone.

Edited by: June Heo on 23 Jan, 2017


2 Replies
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Hello,I am sharing my experience with you here...

When I deployed the Sample web app 'Altimeter' to my gear S3 and tried to read sensor data, It poped up the message:

"Connect via Wi-Fi or insert SIM for mobile data "

From that I guess Gear S3 needs to be connected to Internet via Mobile or Wi-Fi Router to read location data. Same happens for the 'Alti-Barometer' widget installed by deafult with the device.

June Heo

I found that Gear S3 does not have a separate SENSOR_ALTIMETER, but instead measures the altitude using SENSOR_PRESSURE. (Altitude of Location Data was meaningless when using Gear GPS standalone!) And I also confirmed that I needed GPS information and internet access to determine the pressure of the base point.
But I still have not been able to identify whether the Gear S3's WPS is not working, whether it is a code problem or just my gear's problem.