Cannot start service on physical device

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'; color: #454545; min-height: 14.0px}

I have a hybrid app that runs fine on the emulator, but when deploying to a physical device (running Tizen 3.0), I cannot get the native service to run.


This is the code that launches the background service. It's taken from the Tizen Hybrid Web Sample App.


var gServiceAppId = '7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice';

function launchServiceApp() {

  function onSuccess() {

    console.log('App Launched');



  function onError(err) {

    console.error('Service Applaunch failed', err);

    isStarting = false;

    showAlert('Failed to launch HybridServiceApp!');


  try {

    console.log('launching app');

    tizen.application.launch(gServiceAppId, onSuccess, onError);

  } catch (exc) {

    console.error('Exception while launching HybridServiceApp: ' +  exc.message);

    showAlert('Exception while launching HybridServiceApp:<br>' +  exc.message);




This log are like this on the emulator when launching successfully:


05-24 08:31:25.900 : Debug / ConsoleMessage ( 5474 : 5474 ) : [7vnUYHePfV] js/app.js:212: launching app

05-24 08:31:25.900 : Debug / WEBAPI_PLUGINS ( 5474 : 5474 ) : Launch(212) > Entered

05-24 08:31:25.910 : Debug / AUL ( 5474 : 5474 ) : service_db.c: __init(90) > Already initialized

05-24 08:31:25.910 : Warning / AUL ( 5474 : 5474 ) : service_db.c: __get_appid_from_alias_info(937) > sqlite3 step() error: 101(unknown error)

05-24 08:31:25.910 : Warning / AUL ( 5474 : 5474 ) : service_db.c: __get_appid_from_alias_info(937) > sqlite3 step() error: 101(unknown error)

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / WEBAPI_PLUGINS ( 5474 : 5474 ) : Launch(390) > Entered

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Warning / AUL ( 5474 : 5771 ) : launch.c: app_request_to_launchpad_for_uid(300) > request cmd(1) : appid(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice), target_uid(5001)

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL ( 5474 : 5771 ) : aul_sock.c: aul_sock_send_raw(487) > pid(-2): cmd(1)

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL ( 5474 : 5771 ) : aul_sock.c: aul_sock_send_raw_with_fd(426) > fd(142): cmd(1)

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL ( 2015 : 2015 ) : aul_sock.c: aul_sock_recv_pkt(589) > recv len 240 240

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_cynara.c: __check_privilege(154) > User::Pkg::7vnUYHePfV::App::7vnUYHePfV.HybridWebApp(1527165081/proc/5474) from user 5001 privilege appmanager.launch allowed.

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_launch.c: _launch_start_app(2069) > _launch_start_app: appid=7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice caller pid=5474 uid=5001

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Warning / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_launch.c: __prepare_starting_app(1739) > No sharable path: 5474 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_launch.c: __get_prelaunch_attribute(1390) > api-version: 2.3

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_launch.c: __get_prelaunch_attribute(1396) > prelaunch attribute 11101

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_launch.c: __get_background_category(1407) > background category: 0

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_splash_screen.c: __app_can_launch_splash_image(167) > component_type: svcapp

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Warning / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_signal.c: _signal_send_proc_prelaunch(139) > send a prelaunch signal done: appid(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice) pkgid(7vnUYHePfV) attribute(21d) category(0)

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / RESOURCED ( 2080 : 2080 ) : proc-monitor.c: proc_dbus_prelaunch_signal_handler(596) > call proc_dbus_prelaunch_handler: appid = 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice, pkgid = 7vnUYHePfV, flags = 541, categories = 0

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / RESOURCED ( 2080 : 2080 ) : appinfo-list.c: resourced_appinfo_get(117) > appid 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice, pkgname = 7vnUYHePfV, ref = 2

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Error / RESOURCED ( 2080 : 2080 ) : block.c: block_prelaunch_state(156) > insert data 7vnUYHePfV, table num : 2

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_signal.c: _signal_send_cpu_boost(495) > send cpu boost req(1500)

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL ( 2015 : 2015 ) : aul_sock.c: aul_sock_send_raw_with_fd(426) > fd(20): cmd(0)

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad_common.c: _recv_pkt_raw(361) > recv len 1072 1072

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1429) > [SECURE_LOG] exec : /opt/usr/globalapps/7vnUYHePfV/bin/hybridservice

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1430) > [SECURE_LOG] comp_type : svcapp

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1431) > [SECURE_LOG] internal pool : false

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1432) > [SECURE_LOG] hwacc : SYS

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1433) > [SECURE_LOG] app_type : capp

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1434) > [SECURE_LOG] pkg_type : wgt

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad_common.c: _modify_bundle(594) > parsing app_path: No arguments

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Warning / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1464) > Launch directly 1 0

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Error / DEVICED ( 2085 : 2085 ) : pmqos.c: set_cpu_pmqos(62) > cpu device HAL does not exist

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad.c: __launch_directly(814) > [SECURE_LOG] ==> real launch pid : 5772 /opt/usr/globalapps/7vnUYHePfV/bin/hybridservice

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Warning / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(356) > send result: 5772

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __exec_app_process(775) > lock up test log(no error) : fork done

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad_signal.c: _signal_unblock_sigchld(353) > SIGCHLD unblocked

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 2332 : 2332 ) : launchpad_signal.c: __send_app_launch_signal(227) > send_app_launch_signal_dbus done (pid=5772)

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_launch.c: __check_service_only(923) > [SECURE_LOG] [__SUSPEND__] pid :5772

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / RESOURCED ( 2080 : 2080 ) : proc-main.c: resourced_proc_status_change(1595) > [SECURE_LOG] service launch request: app 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice, pkg 7vnUYHePfV, pid 5772

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / RESOURCED ( 2080 : 2080 ) : appinfo-list.c: resourced_appinfo_get(117) > appid 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice, pkgname = 7vnUYHePfV, ref = 3

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / RESOURCED ( 2080 : 2080 ) : vmpressure-lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_move_memcgroup(1658) > pid: 5772, proc_name: ---, cg_name: foreground, oom_score_adj: 190

05-24 08:31:25.920 : Debug / RESOURCED ( 2080 : 2080 ) : cgroup.c: cgroup_write_node_uint32(141) > [SECURE_LOG] cgroup_buf /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/foreground//cgroup.procs, value 5772

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Info / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_request.c: __dispatch_app_startup_signal(2845) > [APP_STARTUP_SIGNAL] pid(5772)

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 0 : /opt/usr/globalapps/7vnUYHePfV/bin/hybridservice##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 1 : `zaybxcwdveuftgsh`##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 2 : __AUL_STARTTIME__##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 3 : NAAAAAEEAAASAAAAX19BVUxfU1RBUlRUSU1FX18AEgAAADE1MjcxNjUwODUvOTIzMzUzAA==##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 4 : __AUL_TARGET_UID__##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 5 : KAAAAAEEAAATAAAAX19BVUxfVEFSR0VUX1VJRF9fAAUAAAA1MDAxAA==##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 6 : __APP_SVC_PKG_NAME__##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 7 : PgAAAAEEAAAVAAAAX19BUFBfU1ZDX1BLR19OQU1FX18AGQAAADd2blVZSGVQZlYuaHlicmlkc2VydmljZQA=##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 8 : __AUL_CALLER_PID__##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 9 : KAAAAAEEAAATAAAAX19BVUxfQ0FMTEVSX1BJRF9fAAUAAAA1NDc0AA==##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 10 : __AUL_CALLER_UID__##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 11 : KAAAAAEEAAATAAAAX19BVUxfQ0FMTEVSX1VJRF9fAAUAAAA1MDAxAA==##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 12 : __AUL_CALLER_APPID__##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 13 : PQAAAAEEAAAVAAAAX19BVUxfQ0FMTEVSX0FQUElEX18AGAAAADd2blVZSGVQZlYuSHlicmlkV2ViQXBwAA==##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 14 : __AUL_HWACC__##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 15 : IgAAAAEEAAAOAAAAX19BVUxfSFdBQ0NfXwAEAAAAU1lTAA==##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 16 : __AUL_ROOT_PATH__##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 17 : QQAAAAEEAAASAAAAX19BVUxfUk9PVF9QQVRIX18AHwAAAC9vcHQvdXNyL2dsb2JhbGFwcHMvN3ZuVVlIZVBmVgA=##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 18 : __AUL_INTERNAL_POOL__##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 19 : LAAAAAEEAAAWAAAAX19BVUxfSU5URVJOQUxfUE9PTF9fAAYAAABmYWxzZQA=##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 20 : __AUL_API_VERSION__##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 21 : KAAAAAEEAAAUAAAAX19BVUxfQVBJX1ZFUlNJT05fXwAEAAAAMi4zAA==##

05-24 08:31:25.930 : Debug / LAUNCHPAD ( 5772 : 5772 ) : launchpad.c: __normal_fork_exec(524) > start real fork and exec

05-24 08:31:25.940 : Warning / EFL ( 5772 : 5772 ) : eina_prefix<5772> lib/eina/eina_prefix.c:696 eina_prefix_new() Missing magic path share/ecore/checkme

05-24 08:31:25.940 : Warning / EFL ( 5772 : 5772 ) : eina_prefix<5772> lib/eina/eina_prefix.c:721 eina_prefix_new() No Prefix path (exhausted search depth)

05-24 08:31:25.940 : Warning / EFL ( 5772 : 5772 ) : eina_prefix<5772> lib/eina/eina_prefix.c:213 _fallback() Could not determine its installed prefix for 'ECORE'       so am falling back on the compiled in default:         /usr       implied by the following:         bindir    = /usr/bin         libdir    = /usr/lib         datadir   = /usr/share/ecore         localedir = /usr/share/ecore       Try setting the following environment variables:         ECORE_PREFIX     - points to the base prefix of install       or the next 4 variables         ECORE_BIN_DIR    - provide a specific binary directory         ECORE_LI

05-24 08:31:25.940 : Warning / EFL ( 5772 : 5772 ) : ecore<5772> lib/ecore/ecore_main.c:866 detect_time_changes_start() Couldn't arm timerfd to detect clock changes: Invalid argument

05-24 08:31:25.940 : Debug / APPCORE_AGENT ( 5772 : 5772 ) : appcore-agent.c: appcore_agent_init(894) > [SECURE_LOG] dir : /opt/usr/globalapps/7vnUYHePfV/res/locale

05-24 08:31:25.940 : Debug / APPCORE_AGENT ( 5772 : 5772 ) : appcore-agent.c: appcore_agent_init(895) > [SECURE_LOG] app name : hybridservice

05-24 08:31:25.950 : Debug / APP_CORE ( 5772 : 5772 ) : appcore-i18n.c: update_region(77) > *****appcore setlocale=en_US.UTF-8

05-24 08:31:25.950 : Debug / APPCORE_AGENT ( 5772 : 5772 ) : appcore-agent.c: __before_loop(954) > [SECURE_LOG] [__SUSPEND__] agent appcore initialized, appcore addr: 0xb76c1360

05-24 08:31:25.950 : Debug / AUL_AMD ( 2015 : 2015 ) : amd_app_status.c: __socket_monitor_cb(1542) > pid(5772)

05-24 08:31:25.950 : Warning / AUL ( 5474 : 5771 ) : launch.c: app_request_to_launchpad_for_uid(327) > request cmd(1) result : 5772

05-24 08:31:25.950 : Debug / WEBAPI_PLUGINS ( 5474 : 5771 ) : operator()(453) > Launch request success

05-24 08:31:25.950 : Debug / XWALK ( 5474 : 5549 ) : [PROF] [5085.954] DynamicOnIPCMessage:START

05-24 08:31:25.950 : Debug / XWALK ( 5474 : 5549 ) : [PROF] [5085.955] DynamicOnIPCMessage:END (1ms)

05-24 08:31:25.950 : Info / MESSAGE_PORT ( 5772 : 5772 ) : message-port.c: __initialize(1315) > initialize

05-24 08:31:25.950 : Info / MESSAGE_PORT ( 5772 : 5772 ) : message-port.c: __initialize(1321) > init : 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice

05-24 08:31:25.950 : Debug / ConsoleMessage ( 5474 : 5474 ) : [7vnUYHePfV] js/app.js:201: App Launched


On the emulator when it fails it looks like this:


D/WEBAPI_PLUGINS( 1187): logger.h: ScopeLogger(236) > Launch(220) > Enter

D/AUL     ( 1187): service_db.c: __init(90) > Already initialized

W/AUL     ( 1187): service_db.c: __get_appid_from_alias_info(937) > sqlite3 step() error: 101(unknown error)

W/AUL     ( 1187): service_db.c: __get_appid_from_alias_info(937) > sqlite3 step() error: 101(unknown error)

D/WEBAPI_PLUGINS( 1187): logger.h: ScopeLogger(236) > Launch(390) > Enter

D/WEBAPI_PLUGINS( 1187): logger.h: ~ScopeLogger(251) > Launch > Exit

D/WEBAPI_PLUGINS( 1187): logger.h: ~ScopeLogger(251) > Launch > Exit

D/WEBAPI_PLUGINS( 1187): logger.h: ScopeLogger(236) > operator()(412) > Enter Entered into asynchronous function, launch

W/AUL     ( 1187): launch.c: app_request_to_launchpad_for_uid(300) > request cmd(1) : appid(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice), target_uid(5001)

D/AUL     ( 1187): aul_sock.c: aul_sock_send_raw(487) > pid(-2): cmd(1)

D/AUL     ( 1187): aul_sock.c: aul_sock_send_raw_with_fd(426) > fd(150): cmd(1)

D/AUL     (  348): aul_sock.c: aul_sock_recv_pkt(589) > recv len 240 240

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_cynara.c: __check_privilege(154) > User::Pkg::7vnUYHePfV::App::7vnUYHePfV.HybridWebApp(1483261215/proc/1187) from user 5001 privilege appmanager.launch allowed.

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_launch.c: _launch_start_app(2077) > _launch_start_app: appid=7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice caller pid=1187 uid=5001

W/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_launch.c: __prepare_starting_app(1747) > No sharable path: 1187 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_launch.c: __get_prelaunch_attribute(1398) > api-version: 2.3

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_launch.c: __get_prelaunch_attribute(1404) > prelaunch attribute 11101

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_launch.c: __get_background_category(1415) > background category: 0

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_splash_screen.c: __app_can_launch_splash_image(168) > component_type: svcapp

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-monitor.c: proc_dbus_prelaunch_signal_handler(989) > ++proc_dbus_prelaunch_signal_handler

D/RESOURCED(  440): appinfo-list.c: resourced_appinfo_get(117) > appid 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice, pkgname = 7vnUYHePfV, ref = 1

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-monitor.c: proc_dbus_prelaunch_signal_handler(1026) > prelaunch signal: app 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice, pkg 7vnUYHePfV, flags 541, categories 0

D/RESOURCED(  440): lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_dynamic_process_killer(259) > This function is not supported

W/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_signal.c: _signal_send_proc_prelaunch(139) > send a prelaunch signal done: appid(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice) pkgid(7vnUYHePfV) attribute(21d) category(0)

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_signal.c: _signal_send_cpu_boost(495) > send cpu boost req(1500)

D/AUL     (  348): aul_sock.c: aul_sock_send_raw_with_fd(426) > fd(19): cmd(0)

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad_common.c: _recv_pkt_raw(361) > recv len 1072 1072

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1429) > [SECURE_LOG] exec : /opt/usr/globalapps/7vnUYHePfV/bin/hybridservice

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1430) > [SECURE_LOG] comp_type : svcapp

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1431) > [SECURE_LOG] internal pool : false

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1432) > [SECURE_LOG] hwacc : SYS

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1433) > [SECURE_LOG] app_type : capp

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1434) > [SECURE_LOG] pkg_type : wgt

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad_common.c: _modify_bundle(594) > parsing app_path: No arguments

W/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad.c: __handle_launch_event(1464) > Launch directly 1 0

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad.c: __launch_directly(814) > [SECURE_LOG] ==> real launch pid : 1638 /opt/usr/globalapps/7vnUYHePfV/bin/hybridservice

W/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad.c: __send_result_to_caller(356) > send result: 1638

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __exec_app_process(775) > lock up test log(no error) : fork done

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad_signal.c: _signal_unblock_sigchld(353) > SIGCHLD unblocked

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_launch.c: __check_service_only(931) > [SECURE_LOG] [__SUSPEND__] pid :1638

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad_signal.c: __send_app_launch_signal(227) > send_app_launch_signal_dbus done (pid=1638)

D/BIXBY-AGENT( 1300): pid(1638) appid(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice) pkgid(7vnUYHePfV) type(svcapp)

D/BIXBY-AGENT( 1300): app info list len : 18

E/BIXBY-AGENT( 1300): no matching app!!

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-monitor.c: proc_dbus_aul_launch(1050) > ++proc_dbus_aul_launch

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-monitor.c: proc_dbus_aul_launch(1074) > aul_launch: app 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice, pkgd 7vnUYHePfV, pid 1638, pkgtype svcapp

I/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: resourced_proc_status_change(1050) > ++[PROCESS_STATE] pid=1638(launchpad-process-pool)

I/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: resourced_proc_status_change(1164) > PROC_CGROUP_SET_SERVICE_REQUEST: pid=1638, oom=0, app=7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice, pkg=7vnUYHePfV

I/RESOURCED(  440): procfs.c: proc_set_oom_score_adj(218) > ++set pid=1638[launchpad-process-pool], oom_score_adj=100

D/RESOURCED(  440): lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_move_subcgroup(1495) > pid=1638 oom_score_adj=100 is not handled by memcg

I/RESOURCED(  440): procfs.c: proc_set_oom_score_adj(256) > --set pid=1638[launchpad-process-pool], oom_score_adj=100, ret=0

I/RESOURCED(  440): procfs.c: proc_set_oom_score_adj(218) > ++set pid=1638[launchpad-process-pool], oom_score_adj=240

D/RESOURCED(  440): lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_move_subcgroup(1502) > move pid=1638(launchpad-process-pool), oom_score_adj=240 to sub-cgroup=/sys/fs/cgroup/resourced/background

I/RESOURCED(  440): cgroup.c: cgroup_write_node(137) > cgroup write: /sys/fs/cgroup/resourced/background/cgroup.procs=1638

I/RESOURCED(  440): procfs.c: proc_set_oom_score_adj(256) > --set pid=1638[launchpad-process-pool], oom_score_adj=240, ret=0

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: check_vip_list(201) > ++pid=1638(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice) type=0

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: check_vip_list(262) > --pid=1638(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice) type=0 ret=-1

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: check_vip_list(201) > ++pid=1638(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice) type=2

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: check_vip_list(262) > --pid=1638(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice) type=2 ret=-1

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: proc_add_app_list(387) > pid=1638(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice) pkgname=7vnUYHePfV type=3 pai=0x00522660 [PROC_STATE_FOREGROUND]

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: proc_add_program_list(330) > pkgname=7vnUYHePfV type=3 pai=0x00522660

D/RESOURCED(  440): cpu.c: cpu_service_state(275) > service launch: pid = 1638, appname = 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice

D/RESOURCED(  440): cpu.c: cpu_move_cgroup(130) > move pid=1638(launchpad-process-pool) to top cpu cgroup(/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/background//cgroup.procs)

I/RESOURCED(  440): cgroup.c: cgroup_write_node(137) > cgroup write: /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/background/cgroup.procs=1638

I/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: resourced_proc_status_change(1377) > --[PROCESS_STATE] pid=1638(launchpad-process-pool) app_name=7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice ret=-1

I/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_request.c: __dispatch_app_startup_signal(2853) > [APP_STARTUP_SIGNAL] pid(1638)

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 0 : /opt/usr/globalapps/7vnUYHePfV/bin/hybridservice##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 1 : `zaybxcwdveuftgsh`##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 2 : __AUL_STARTTIME__##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 3 : NAAAAAEEAAASAAAAX19BVUxfU1RBUlRUSU1FX18AEgAAADE1MjcwODQwNTQvNTI2Mzc0AA==##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 4 : __AUL_TARGET_UID__##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 5 : KAAAAAEEAAATAAAAX19BVUxfVEFSR0VUX1VJRF9fAAUAAAA1MDAxAA==##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 6 : __APP_SVC_PKG_NAME__##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 7 : PgAAAAEEAAAVAAAAX19BUFBfU1ZDX1BLR19OQU1FX18AGQAAADd2blVZSGVQZlYuaHlicmlkc2VydmljZQA=##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 8 : __AUL_CALLER_PID__##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 9 : KAAAAAEEAAATAAAAX19BVUxfQ0FMTEVSX1BJRF9fAAUAAAAxMTg3AA==##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 10 : __AUL_CALLER_UID__##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 11 : KAAAAAEEAAATAAAAX19BVUxfQ0FMTEVSX1VJRF9fAAUAAAA1MDAxAA==##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 12 : __AUL_CALLER_APPID__##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 13 : PQAAAAEEAAAVAAAAX19BVUxfQ0FMTEVSX0FQUElEX18AGAAAADd2blVZSGVQZlYuSHlicmlkV2ViQXBwAA==##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 14 : __AUL_HWACC__##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 15 : IgAAAAEEAAAOAAAAX19BVUxfSFdBQ0NfXwAEAAAAU1lTAA==##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 16 : __AUL_ROOT_PATH__##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 17 : QQAAAAEEAAASAAAAX19BVUxfUk9PVF9QQVRIX18AHwAAAC9vcHQvdXNyL2dsb2JhbGFwcHMvN3ZuVVlIZVBmVgA=##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 18 : __AUL_INTERNAL_POOL__##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 19 : LAAAAAEEAAAWAAAAX19BVUxfSU5URVJOQUxfUE9PTF9fAAYAAABmYWxzZQA=##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 20 : __AUL_API_VERSION__##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __real_launch(715) > [SECURE_LOG] input argument 21 : KAAAAAEEAAAUAAAAX19BVUxfQVBJX1ZFUlNJT05fXwAEAAAAMi4zAA==##

D/LAUNCHPAD( 1638): launchpad.c: __normal_fork_exec(524) > start real fork and exec

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad_signal.c: _signal_process_sigchld(286) > dead_pid = 1638 pgid = 1638 signo = 17 status = 255

D/LAUNCHPAD(  735): launchpad_signal.c: __send_app_dead_signal(186) > send_app_dead_signal_dbus done (pid=1638)

D/STARTER (  803): starter.c: _check_dead_signal(140) > [_check_dead_signal:140] Process 1638 is termianted

D/STARTER (  803): starter.c: _check_dead_signal(172) > [_check_dead_signal:172] Unknown process, ignore it

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_main.c: __app_dead_handler(170) > APP_DEAD_SIGNAL : 1638

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_main.c: __can_restart_app(124) > appid: 7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_app_status.c: _app_status_cleanup(1488) > pid: 1638, uid: 5001

W/AUL     ( 1187): launch.c: app_request_to_launchpad_for_uid(327) > request cmd(1) result : 1638

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_share.c: _temporary_permission_drop(464) > list was null

D/AUL_AMD (  348): amd_app_status.c: __remove_pkg_status(362) > STATUS_SERVICE: appid(7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice)

D/WEBAPI_PLUGINS( 1187): operator()(456) > Launch request success

D/WEBAPI_PLUGINS( 1187): logger.h: ~ScopeLogger(251) > operator() > Exit

D/RESOURCED(  440): proc-monitor.c: proc_dbus_aul_terminated(1265) > ++proc_dbus_aul_terminated

I/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: resourced_proc_status_change(1050) > ++[PROCESS_STATE] pid=1638(UNKNOWN)

I/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: resourced_proc_status_change(1349) > PROC_CGROUP_SET_TERMINATED pid=1638, oom=0, app=(null), pkg=(null)

I/RESOURCED(  440): proc-main.c: resourced_proc_status_change(1377) > --[PROCESS_STATE] pid=1638(UNKNOWN) app_name=(null) ret=0

D/XWALK   ( 1187): [PROF] [4054.538] DynamicOnIPCMessage:START

D/XWALK   ( 1187): [PROF] [4054.538] DynamicOnIPCMessage:END (0ms)


You can see when it fails, its reporting success (Launch request success), but really the process is dying (Process 1638 is terminated)


The service app I'm trying to launch (7vnUYHePfV.hybridservice) is just the Tizen Hybrid Service Sample App app.


The web app has the privilege: "privilege/application.launch"  in it's config.xml


Any thoughts or ideas would be much apprecieted.



Edited on 24 05, 2018


2 Replies
K Johnson

Does deploying native service app and web UI app separately work well? Would you please check that?


In many cases of these kind of issues, mostly the issues are caused by that the native binary in the package is compiled for x86 emulator.

Please check if your package hold x86 binary or arm binary for your native service.

good luck.