About SplitPanel control

Hi all,

I have several questions about using SplitPanel control.

1) My Scenario: The device screen width is 720. I construct the first pane with the width = 500 and do SetMaximumDividerPosition(500).

When I call MaximizePane(SPLIT_PANEL_PANE_ORDER_FIRST) method, I expect that it's width will be 500. But it expands to full width 720. Why it doesn't stop on 500?

2) When I call MaximizePane method Iam expecting notification in OnDividerPositionChanged but I don't get any,

3) It would be useful to be able to control  speed of maximising/minimising divider.



Lebedenko Roman

RIA Novosti

Edited on 18 03, 2014


1 Replies
It seems, maximum divider position is used to restrict the movement of divider by user's touch beyond the maximum point. Maximize Pane will always show the selected pane as full screen. Hence, when first Pane is maximized, it shows in full and divider is moved to the end of screen. Also, as during Maximize nobody changing the divider position by touching (i.e. manual divider movement), hence OnDividerPositionChanged is not fired.