youtube videos and web url

Hello All
As i am facing one issue regarding playing the youtube videos and displaying web url in iframe 
but when i am playing youtube videos and web url they are opening in browser without opening in iframe they are playing on browser and after that no videos or web is displaying


3 Replies
Usha Vilash

Hi Mahesh, you should check that the iframe embed code is correctly formatted and that the URL are accessible.

Emma Yashri

If the videos and web URL are opening in the browser instead of the iframe, there might be an issue with how the iframes are implemented in your code and double check the iframe syntax and make sure it's correctly integrated into your web page or application.

Woodard Elmer
  1. Check iframe settings: Ensure that the iframe element in your HTML code is properly configured to display the content. Make sure the srcattribute of the iframe points to the correct URL of the YouTube video or web page.

  2. Cross-origin restrictions: If you're trying to embed content from another domain (such as YouTube), make sure that the website allows embedding of its content using an iframe. Some websites have restrictions in place to prevent their content from being embedded on other sites.

  3. Content security policy (CSP): Check if your web page has a Content Security Policy that restricts the loading of external content, including iframes. Adjust the CSP settings to allow loading content from the desired sources. 

  4. YouTube embedding settings: Ensure that the YouTube videos you're trying to embed have embedding enabled. You can check this in the video settings on YouTube. If embedding is disabled for a video, it cannot be played within an iframe on external websites.