TM1 Dev Device

"Developers attending the Tizen Developer Summit Bengaluru India were lucky enough to receive the Samsung TM1 (the offical name) as the developer giveaway device. (...) As with any dev device its purpose is to assist developers in creating new apps or porting their existing apps to the Tizen Platform."


(I've updated the content of this opening post)





Edited on 07 08, 2015


57 Replies
Abraham Varricatt

Hello Olivier,

I was a participant at TDS in Bengaluru today. For what its worth, while we did get a phone to play with, its not the Z3. At least according to the specs you've linked to, the Z3 is supposed to have a quad-core processor. From running 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' , I can assure you that we got a single-core device. And it has 768MB of RAM. As to whether its a good developer device ... I have some queries, but will make a separate thread for it.

-Abraham V.



John Ixion

good point :)

you can post your queries here, I'll change the title of this topic

thanks for your great tweets at the conference btw ;)

Abraham Varricatt

Nice to know that you've seen them! :) As for my queries; I've made this thread;


Peter Wegner

Thanx for info.

Please, Screenresolution is what?

Same like Z1 or like 720 x 1280 Pixel ?

Thanx in advance.


Best Regards

Abraham Varricatt


Why not? Here's the mandatory phone porn ;P

And here's the output from a few shell commands;

Okay ... that's just frusterating. I had the EXACT same problem during the devlab. Damn device wouldn't connect to my laptop. At the time, it looked like an OS issue because the 2 guys sitting next to me had Windows systems and my dev device would register on those just fine. Let me connect to a windows box and come back..

-Abraham V.

I couldn't able to find Tizen Store in this Phone, can anyone tell me , how to get that?

Marco Buettner

it isnt possible

Abraham Varricatt


The phone was given during the Tizen Developer Summit and is not meant to be publicly sold. You could try reaching out to Samsung directly and ask if they'll send it to you, but I won't put my hopes on it. 


I did some more investigating and here's what I've got -

Processor : SC8830

It's from a company called Spreadtrum. According to the wikipedia page, its a quad-core ARM Cortex-A7 processor. /proc/cpuinfo says that there's only 1 active processor, but digging into the /sys/devices/system/cpu/ directory, it looks like there are 4 cores present. They've disabled 3 of them. The max_freq for the cores is 1.3Ghz (I think!), but the single core is just running at 1Ghz.

Display : 720x1280 pixels

Got this data from the window manager. 

Memory : 768MB

I'm wonder if this odd number is to prevent an apples-apples comparison against similar phones...

Root-abilty : YES

As in; you can set root mode to 'ON' using the 'sdb' tool and login to shell with root access. Additionally, you can get into THOR download mode by pressing power + volume down + home before turning on the device. When doing so, the devices calls itself as a Galaxy SII (Download mode) ; just weird. 

Here's some command line output;

sh-4.1$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
Processor    : ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)
processor    : 0
model name    : ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l)
BogoMIPS    : 2002.62
Features    : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32
CPU implementer    : 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant    : 0x0
CPU part    : 0xc07
CPU revision    : 5

Hardware    : sc8830
Revision    : 0000
Serial        : 00004e310000324d

sh-4.1$ cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:         728036 kB
MemFree:          361136 kB
MemAvailable:     493500 kB
Buffers:           16044 kB
Cached:           119964 kB
SwapCached:            0 kB
Active:           138108 kB
Inactive:         106028 kB
Active(anon):     108840 kB
Inactive(anon):     1292 kB
Active(file):      29268 kB
Inactive(file):   104736 kB
Unevictable:           0 kB
Mlocked:               0 kB
HighTotal:          8192 kB
HighFree:            116 kB
LowTotal:         719844 kB
LowFree:          361020 kB
SwapTotal:             0 kB
SwapFree:              0 kB
Dirty:                36 kB
Writeback:             0 kB
AnonPages:        108132 kB
Mapped:            43084 kB
Shmem:              2020 kB
Slab:              24344 kB
SReclaimable:      11188 kB
SUnreclaim:        13156 kB
KernelStack:        2688 kB
PageTables:         4580 kB
NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
Bounce:                0 kB
WritebackTmp:          0 kB
CommitLimit:      364016 kB
Committed_AS:    1685724 kB
VmallocTotal:     245760 kB
VmallocUsed:       37156 kB
VmallocChunk:     159720 kB

sh-4.1# uname -a
Linux localhost 3.10.65 #1-Tizen SMP PREEMPT Sun Jul 26 09:57:03 UTC 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux

sh-4.1# cat /proc/version 
Linux version 3.10.65 (abuild@tizenwrk10_docker_60220-60231) (gcc version 4.9 20141031 (prerelease) (Linaro GCC 4.9-2014.11) ) #1-Tizen SMP PREEMPT Sun Jul 26 09:57:03 UTC 2015

sh-4.1# cat /etc/*-release
VERSION="2.2.0, Magnolia"
PRETTY_NAME="Tizen Magnolia (2.2.0)"
Tizen release 2.2.0 (Magnolia)
Tizen release 2.2.0 (Magnolia)


-Abraham V.

Thank you so much for the info Abraham,

it will be awesome if someone get the tizenstore.tpk file for this device, because with out tizenstore this phone is unusable, i can't do anything in this :(

what if we get tizenstore tpk file from Z1 and install in this device, will it work?

and can it possible to flash Tizen version 2.3 in it, so may be i can get tizen store with it. 

what do you say ?

Marco Buettner

Its a developer device and you can test your apps ... thats the target of the device... If u want the TizenStore buy the commercial device Z1.

You can use to update the device to 2.3 - But it has also no TizenStore because thats developer firmwares. Commercial firmwares arent public.

Thanks for the info, How to turn on Developer Options and USB debugging mode in this device?

How to turn on Developer Options and USB debugging mode?

Abraham Varricatt


It took me some time to figure it out, but developer options and USB debugging mode are enabled by default with the phone. You don't need to do anything special. Have you actually _tried_ using the sdb (from sdk/tools) command?

-Abraham V.


Peter Wegner

Thank you very much for infos + pictures.

Thanx Abraham Varricatt.

Best Regards

Muthu kumar

Hi Team,

I attended the developer summit at bangalore. We at HTC Global Services, are trying to explore possibilities to build enterprise grade mobile apps with Tizen OS. The reference device given at TDS15BLR is not supporting any SIM CARD. please suggest what we should do next.!!


John Ixion

Hi Muthu,

I don't know much about the new dev phone but the Samsung Z1 is a fully fledged phone.

A Samsung Z3 phone should be released very soon.

All consumer devices are described here:

Suresh Hosur


Then the developer option will not be visible in the settings...???

and to install the application need to get the device certificate for the device...???


Suresh Hosur

Marco Buettner

device certificate only required for commercial devices ... on developer devices you can install your application without that.

Abraham Varricatt

The funny part is, a few folks asked about this during the conference - can we install apps on the developer phone? Fact of the matter is - YES. But not all the speakers were aware of it. They made such a big fuss about 'unlocking' the developer mode on commercial devices that many in the audience got confused and felt that the developer phone is defective. 

-Abraham V.


Suresh Hosur

Thanks for response Marco and Abraham...

Yes there was  some confusion. As worked on Comercial phone(Samsung Z1) by enabling the Developer feature.

But, for Developer device at least they would have made small announcement to get clear with it (like without certificate can install the app).

Suresh Hosur

Rajashekar S

Hey Guys! I tried to flash TM1 using the similar method as given here since I had lost the email app and wanted to restore to factory settings assuming flashing would help and the phone is almost dead now. I downloaded the image from and used lthor to dump the image to the device, it did sucessfully copy too, but now the device is not going beyond Tizen TM1 logo and screen goes off.    If at all anyone in future here try and successfully flash your device, please do share the exact steps you followed so that I can follow the same and bring my TM1 device back to life.  Only solace is I can go to the downloading mode by  Pressing <volume down> + <power> keys simultaneously which gives some hope that I can play around with it or try to copy again or work on restoring the partition etc., in future. Thanks in advance. 

Peter Wegner

Thanx for info.


Please wait for TM1 Firmware before you try something again.... to prevent full kill of your device.

No idea how long it will take for public release of Firmware... be patience.


Best Regards

Rajashekar S

@Peter W: Sure Sir.. Thanks a lot.

Suresh Hosur


Anyone tried by inserting sim's into the Samsung TM1 Developer device.

for me sim cards are not at all detecting... I tried with new sim cards also...

Am not getting what is the issue exactly...

If anyone faced same issue and fixed it... Please let me know...

Thanks in Advance.


-Suresh Hosur

Marco Buettner

Developer devices has never a support for sim card...

Suresh Hosur

Thanks for your response Marco.

Having the feature to test with call so was looking for it.

Zed Zapped

Suresh there are 2 SIM slots on the device, in which one did you try?   Do try with your SIM in the slot that is right below the SD card slot.

Suresh Hosur

Hi Zed,

Thanks for your response.

Yes. Actually i tried with both the slots with the new sim cards.

Initially for few seconds it shows the network threads at the left top corner after that it will disapper.


Suresh Hosur

Peter Wegner

I saw someone asked about Screenshot...


Maybe old RD-PQ "magic" is possible? Something like this?


Best Regards

Marco Buettner

xwd is removed from Tizen 2.3 firmware... I hope it will comeback with Tizen 2.4 ...

But I prefer Emulator with Resolution 540x960.. It has the same ration like 854x480 which is required on Seller Office

daniel kim


I found forum of TM1 device. I would suggest you to visit this link.


Peter Wegner

Please, maybe now is good time to release Firmwareupdate for TM1 device?

SDK 2.4 Final is now available...

... and on Z300H we can see that latest Tizen Version seems


Maybe this update could help Developers with TM1... as July Firmware with Beta 2.4...


Thanx in advance.


Best Regards

Marco Buettner

The 2.3.1 Firmware was released some weeks after SDK release ;)

daniel kim


I found same query is  in below link. and I'm expecting that someone will answer it.


Peter Wegner

Little visible progress:

At the moment I can only see this:

Maybe upload... is near...

Best Regards

Marco Buettner

more interest than snapshot is the final release :)

Two weeks later than the TizenSDK 2.3.1 the Tizen 2.3.1 was released, so we have still to wait =)

I think 2.4 is coming in november

Peter Wegner

Übrigens danke nochmal für den Hinweis beim RD-PQ...

Hatte schon Angst bekommen, man könnte von 2.3.1 nicht so schnell wieder runter...

2.3.1 geht bei mir übrigens gar nicht mit WiFi... das Ding will nicht. Hatte mehrmals neu geflasht, findet gar nix erst...

Dann hab ich aus Spaß nur die 2.3 Filesystem raufgeballert... und jetzt geht zumindest suchen und finden + connect...

Da nix drauf ist, weiß ich grad nicht ob das ne Spaßmeldung ist... Jedenfalls scheint das nicht ein Kernelproblem zu sein...

Der 2.3.1 Kernel ist ja noch drauf... Ich pfusche mal ein bissel rum... Vielleicht kann man mit dem Inhalt von usr/apps interagieren...

Schönes Wochenende

Short Translation.

Thanx Marco.


Marco Buettner

I was unable to connect to wifi with 2.3 and 2.3.1 :D

Peter Wegner


Who want try?



Best Regards

Peter Wegner


This seems same...

Short checked package...

uboot Bootloader and Kernels inside... so its 1 package...


No idea if newer Version of lthor is mandatory... NOT tested. At your own risk.


Best Regards

Rajashekar S

@Peter: Thanks for the link, I would definitely want to try. Will keep this thread posted.

Rajashekar S

Yes Yes Yes!! I could load this image to my dead device which I scre3wed up last time. Unable to load home launcher though, but the device is back to life with icons and home screen though. Will further R&D on the same :)

Peter Wegner

This sounds cool.


Thanx for fast feedback. So I know it is working.


Best Regards

Peter Wegner

Interesting feedback.


Looks like this TM1 Firmware have similar issues like we allready know from RD-PQ 2.3/2.3.1...

About not work... AND WiFi trouble...


TM1 user caution. If you need WiFi and on July Firmware WiFi work. Better not update...


Best Regards

Peter Wegner

Someone added instruction...

Oh, interesting... but I can't enter...
NOTE: The 2.4 image does not contain the TM1-hardware-dependent binaries. You must install the additional binaries in order to make TM1 function correctly. For more information, see:

Best Regards

Peter Wegner


Still I can't download something...

Please check Link.

Thanx in advance.


Best Regards

Peter Wegner


Thanx, additional package is online now.

With Firefox I had trouble to download... but with Internet Explorer success.


Best Regards

Rajashekar S

Thanks buddy.. I could install those binaries on TM1 and now the camera and Wi-Fi is working fine. And, I got home and Menu buttons too on home screen. :) . About device still doesn't work. Blinks and goes.


Peter Wegner


What is this?


Best Regards

Phil rzr

Arent you facing deployment issue on TM1 with latest SDK ?




Peter Wegner

Hello TM1 users.  :)

Someone flashed latest (March 2016) Firmware?

Please any kind of feedback is welcome.

Thanx in advance.

Best Regards

Peter Wegner

Hi rzr.


No ida why you got soooo many answers...

This is what I see since months...


No feedback no support...

About Firmware... looks like March 2016 Binaries exists... again no feedback no idea...
Tizen 2.4:

No comments about latest March Firmware known by me...

If someone is on first initial 2.4b Firmware...

Maybe Backup/dump of Firmware is an good idea...

dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/fulldump.bin

Best Regards

Peter Wegner

Hi rzr.


No ida why you got soooo many answers...

This is what I see since months...


No feedback no support...

About Firmware... looks like March 2016 Binaries exists... again no feedback no idea...
Tizen 2.4:

No comments about latest March Firmware known by me...

If someone is on first initial 2.4b Firmware...

Maybe Backup/dump of Firmware is an good idea...

dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/fulldump.bin


Best Regards

Peter Wegner

Hi rzr.


No ida why you got soooo many answers...

This is what I see since months...


No feedback no support...

About Firmware... looks like March 2016 Binaries exists... again no feedback no idea...
Tizen 2.4:

No comments about latest March Firmware known by me...

If someone is on first initial 2.4b Firmware...

Maybe Backup/dump of Firmware is an good idea...

dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/fulldump.bin


Best Regards


Sorry for posting 3 in a row...

But I have an post problem or am I tooo stupid...

Peter Wegner

Meanwhile somebody flashed successfully Tizen 3 to TM1?


Maybe TM1 then dotNet enabled?


Only idea...



Best Regards

Peter Wegner

Maybe someone with TM1 could check if latest Tizen 3 Images allready dotNet enabled?

Maybe TM1 is ready for Tizen .Net ?



Only idea... own risk.


Best Regards

Peter Wegner

Maybe someone with TM1 could check if latest Tizen 3 Images allready dotNet enabled?

Maybe TM1 is ready for Tizen .Net ?



Only idea... own risk.


Best Regards