Tizen Store in Demo Device given at TDS15BLR ?

How to install Tizenstore in the Demo Device given at TDS15BLR?


8 Replies
Peter Wegner



1 idea would be Z1 Tizenstore from Firmware extracted... as TPK...

No idea if "Z3" is higher protected with all this Cert sh...

No idea if different Certs are used... to prevent using Apps from Z1...

No idea about Tizen 2.4 ... + Z3 Firmware...

Maybe not compatible or not enough to install only org.tizen.tizenstore...

Maybe now more INIs maybe more as:

Indigo_Mint and Sage_Mint and...


No idea why Z3 Tizenstore are removed or not preinstalled or not available...

Mabye too new and too empty.


Best Regards

Marco Buettner

You cant install TizenStore. The TizenStore requires some more preinstalled services - tpk only isnt enough.

@Peter: Its a developer device - no commercial device... =) So commercial apps like Store and other services arent required

What if we flash 2.3 in to this device, will i get tizen store with that.?

Peter Wegner

Maybe somebody could post from "About device":


No idea if SM-Z300H

Tizen version

No idea if Tizen or something else is written...


Best Regards

Peter Wegner


Please post model name AND Tizen Version of Z3, so "we" could try something...

You can find it under About device:


Tizen version

Thanx in advance.


Please remember your other ideas are dangerous and can kill your device...

Z1 require other Firmware then Z3 because Security... + different Hardware...

You could kill Z3 by "stupid" tests... Bootloader is inside Z1 Firmware...


Best Regards

Marco Buettner

He has posted

VERSION="2.2.0, Magnolia"
PRETTY_NAME="Tizen Magnolia (2.2.0)"
Tizen release 2.2.0 (Magnolia)
Tizen release 2.2.0 (Magnolia)"

It looks like is has installed Tizen 2.2. He can use the Tizen 2.3 Mobile firmware also for Z3


Peter Wegner

Ich denke das Z3 Ding hat Tizen 2.4

Wieso sollte Samsung ihr Undercover Projekt offen posten... und wieso sollte ausgerechnet 2.3 auf dem Z3 laufen?


Marco Buettner

Ich müsste mal gucken was beim RD-PQ drin steht mit Tizen 2.3 wenn ich den Release auslese.

Das sind doch nur Gerüchte? Gibt es offizielle News das es mit Tizen 2.4 läuft? Außerdem ist es ein Developer Device und nicht das Commercial Device...

Aktuell sieht es aber so aus als ob das Z3 von der TDS2015 mit Tizen 2.2 ausgehändigt wurde.