SDK for galaxy gear 2 Lite



I spent my last days searching for the SDK 2.2.1, I didn't find anything.

I want to code an app for galaxy gear 2 lite, so the version 2.2.1 but in tizen IDE it writes right after the name of the project "wearable 2.3", and I didn't find any solution to change it to 2.2.1 !! It's crazy, in the tizen website I find only the 2.4 rev and NOTHING ELSE no sdk image or anything for what existed before!


please help me !!


5 Replies
Yasin Ali


You may check following link:

Here you'll get binaries and images.

Hope it will work.
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younes belkhayat


thank you for the answer, what should I do to instlal this SDK, I mean it's just a folder, can I use the Update Manager?

Yasin Ali


Create another post for your further query so that other people may find it helpful.

John Ixion

galaxy gear 2 lite is not a Tizen device btw:

Shinjae Lee

If you mean gear 2. I think that some modification is needed. Change require-version in config.xml to 2.2.1 or something similar. (Based on current SDK with wearable profile.)