
modify keyboard layout on Z2

I'm from Germany and bought a Z2 recently from a seller in the UK.

I'd like to modify the keyboard layout on the device to get some special characters (mostly the typicel German umlauts -> äöü ÄÖÜ )

Is there any way to get this done on the running device?


4 Replies
Iqbal Hossain

You may try the IME (Input Method Editor) for modified Key Board. 

Peter Wegner

Müßte das mal mit RTL checken...


Aber mein Z130H hat die Umlaute drauf.



Peter Wegner

Also das SM-Z200Y... keine Ahnung, kann ich nicht testen.


Aber SM-Z300H und SM-Z200F haben die Umlaute auch...

Hab ich grad bei RTL ausprobiert... Das Remote Dingens...


Einfach mal a festhalten... dann siehst Du auch ä

sz ist auch da... ß


IMHO SM-Z130H and SM-Z300H and SM-Z200F have allready German Umlaut support by "default"...

Simple hold a few seconds... or s...


Best Regards

Markus Zluwa

Ah! thanks!

Its a SM-Z200Y

had not noticed yet that I only need to hold the letter keys for some time to get some special characters!

this brings up umlauts and other special character like you need for some other languages!

I'm still learing to find all the functions for 2 days now....
Tizen is very different from what I was using till now, was a HP Pre3 with WebOS.

