
Mac SDK webkit problem


I've tried to launch the sample webview app on the tizen emulator on a MacBook Pro, and i got this result:


E/Tizen::Base( 2686): result Tizen::Base::String::SubString(int, Tizen::Base::String&) const(1112) > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The startIndex(47) MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and less than the length of this string(47).
E/Tizen::Io( 2686): static bool Tizen::Io::File::IsFileExist(const Tizen::Base::String&)(300) > [E_INVALID_ARG] Given filePath length is zero or exceeds system limitations.
E/Tizen::Web::Controls( 2686): result Tizen::Web::Controls::_EflWebkit::Construct(const Tizen::Graphics::Rectangle&, Tizen::Ui::Animations::VisualElement&, Tizen::Ui::_Control*)(113) > [E_SYSTEM] A system error has been occurred. Failed to create webkit instance.
E/Tizen::Web::Controls( 2686): result Tizen::Web::Controls::_Web::CreateWebkitEvasObject()(226) > [E_SYSTEM] Propagating.
E/Tizen::Web::Controls( 2686): result Tizen::Web::Controls::_Web::InitializeWebNativeNode()(358) > [E_SYSTEM] Propagating.
E/Tizen::Web::Controls( 2686): virtual result Tizen::Web::Controls::_WebImpl::OnPreAttachedToMainTree()(4538) > [E_SYSTEM] Propagating.
E/Tizen::Ui( 2686): result Tizen::Ui::_Control::EndAttaching(Tizen::Ui::_Control&)(1695) > [E_SYSTEM] Propagating.
E/Tizen::Ui( 2686): result Tizen::Ui::_ContainerImpl::AddChild(Tizen::Ui::_ControlImpl*, bool)(174) > [E_SYSTEM] propagated.
E/Tizen::Ui( 2686): result Tizen::Ui::Container::AddControl(Tizen::Ui::Control*)(150) > [E_SYSTEM] Propagating.
E/Tizen::App( 2686): static bool Tizen::App::_AppImpl::OnCreate(void*)(233) > [E_INIT_FAILED] The initialization of your application failed.
E/Tizen::App( 2325): result Tizen::App::_ContextManager::Unregister(int)(229) > Unknown pid(2686).
E/Tizen::Ui::Animations( 2686): result Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl::RemoveChild(Tizen::Ui::Animations::_VisualElementImpl&, bool)(4252) > [E_OBJ_NOT_FOUND] child is not a child of this instance.
E/Tizen::Web::Controls( 2686): Evas_Object* Tizen::Web::Controls::_Web::GetWebNativeNode()(417) > [E_INVALID_STATE] Native node is in an invalid state.
E/Tizen::Web::Controls( 2686): Evas_Object* Tizen::Web::Controls::_Web::GetWebNativeNode()(417) > [E_INVALID_STATE] Native node is in an invalid state.

Anyone got this error?

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 Mar, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


1 Replies
muditha murthy
I suggest you to check your code carefully since all the above erros coresponds to some exceptions to which in document they have described in detail. For Ex: E/Tizen::Base( 2686): result Tizen::Base::String::SubString(int, Tizen::Base::String&) const(1112) > [E_OUT_OF_RANGE] The startIndex(47) MUST be greater than or equal to 0, and less than the length of this string(47). This exception would occur if the specified index is out of range, or the specified startIndex is either greater than or equal to the length of the current instance or less than 0. I guess the problem is due to the incorrect parameter passed.