How can I flash Tizen 2.1 image to Reference Device on Windows

I have read up this page "", it says I must use "lthor" a flashing tool for Linux, I want to know if I can update to Tizen 2.1 by Windows XP. Thanks for your help!

Edited on 18 03, 2014


8 Replies
Vineet uprari
LTHOR stands for linux-Thor for windows you need to install THOR you will get it from this link
jason ji
Hi, I can't access, it need a user name and password, how can I access it?
jason ji
I see. Thank you very much!
Andrey Sitkov
jason, can you give me login/password for access to ?
Karthik Shanmugam
I don't have access to this tools/thor link.
Zoltan Puski
+1 I also want to upgrade to 2.1 my device in win7 64 bit. I don't know if that THOR could do that for me, as I also cannot access. TIZEN dev site user/pwd does not work.
Haani Samar
Please share username and password to download THOR
Bruno Magalhaes