emulator without internet connection running in VM


I'm running the tizen emulator and IDE in a Ubuntu 12.10 Virtual Machine on my mac.

Everything was working fine until all of a sudden the emulator lost connectivity. The browser isn't loading web pages. When I run an nslookup from the emulator shell it looks like connecions are not routed from the emulator:

sh-4.1# nslookup 
I have tried restarting the emulator, VM and computer but it still has no connectivity. I can't seem to find where to look or what to setup for it to work. Have you seen this before? Let me know if you want me to send more logs and dumps.
Edited on 18 03, 2014


1 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi Stefano Buliani, I also faced this issue, after reinstalling the tizen sdk, it worked properly, all these stability issues will be addressed in 2.0 SDK which will be releasing soon.