
/dev/null: Permission denied


I run linux Mint 13 which is based off of the Ubuntu 12.04 tree.

I followed the instructions  (basing it on Ubuntu 12.04 path) (again basing it on Ubuntu 12.04 path)

This all went fine and the tools appear solid.

pulled down the complete sources

and then:

me@dev /media/GIT/Tizen $ accel_pkgs="bash,bzip2-libs,c-ares,cmake,coreutils,diffutils,eglibc,elfutils-libelf,elfutils-libs,elfutils,fdupes,file,findutils,gawk,gmp,gzip,libacl,libattr,libcap,libcurl,libfile,libgcc,liblua,libstdc++,make,mpc,mpfr,ncurses-libs,nodejs,nspr,nss-softokn-freebl,nss,openssl,patch,popt,rpm-build,rpm-libs,rpm,sed,sqlite,tar,xz-libs,zlib,binutils,gcc"


me@dev /media/GIT/Tizen $ export TIZEN_BUILD_ROOT=/media/GBS-ROOT; gbs build -B /media/GBS-ROOT -A armv7l --threads=4 --clean-once --exclude=${accel_pkgs},filesystem,aul,libmm-sound,libtool


However upon trying to do a build like this I get constant errors in the logs like

/etc/profile.d/ line 3: /dev/null: Permission denied  (lots of these)

-bash: /dev/null: Permission denied  (lots of these)

    4s] Testing C library type with cc ... ./Configure: line 2657: /dev/null: Permission denied

[    4s] done
[    4s] Cannot determine C library type; assuming it is not glibc.  (Which is obviously wrong)

The only reference I can find to this error anywhere is in the kernel udev tree

And even elevating the build to root permissions does not allevaite the issue.

okay so I found /media/GBS-ROOT/local/BUILD-ROOTS/scratch.armv7l.0/dev/null and the perms look right on it?

Gotta be something to do with the way the system is treating the devices...

Really would love to know what...

 how I can fix these permissions issues to let a build go through without error.

Many thanks.


I'm using the guide

profile = profile.tizen2.2



url =

repos=repo.tizen2.2_arm, repo.tizen2.2_x86, repo.tizen2.2

EDIT:  okay so I tried 

me@dev /media/GIT/Tizen $ gbs build -A i586 --threads=4 --clean-once --exclude=gcc,cmake,filesystem,aul,libmm-sound,libtool


and got the same fails.

I did note:

info: parsing package data...
warning: mmfw-sysconf-cleansdk-e4x12: build arch not compatible: armv4l armv5l armv6l armv7l armv4b armv5l armv5b armv5el armv5eb armv5tel armv5teb armv6el armv6eb armv7el armv7eb armv7hl armv7nhl armv8el
warning: mmfw-sysconf-cleansdk-target: build arch not compatible: armv4l armv5l armv6l armv7l armv4b armv5l armv5b armv5el armv5eb armv5tel armv5teb armv6el armv6eb armv7el armv7eb armv7hl armv7nhl armv8el


if that is of any relevance?





Edited by: two bob on 19 Nov, 2013


7 Replies
two bob

So. In the absence of any feedback I went with:

cd ~/GBS-ROOT/local/BUILD-ROOTS/scratch.armv7l.0/dev

rm ./null

ln -as /dev/null null

and repeated that for i586 0-3 and arm 0-3

Then ran the build like su --preserve-environment -c "export TIZEN_BUILD_ROOT=/media/GBS-ROOT; gbs build -B /media/GBS-ROOT -A armv7l --threads=4 --clean-once --exclude=${accel_pkgs},filesystem,aul,libmm-sound,libtool"

I am hoping that will cure it.





So it worked?



two bob

no. sadly.

So I have installed ubuntu 13.04

performed EXACTLY the same steps

and now it fails on


info: start building packages from: /media/me/gentoo/GIT/Tizen (git)
info: prepare sources...
info: retrieving repo metadata...
info: parsing package data...
warning: libwsbm: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
warning: syslinux: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon x86_64
warning: system-plugin-ia-generic: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon x86_64
warning: pvr-bin-mdfld: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon x86_64
warning: psb-headers: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
warning: mmfw-sysconf-simulator: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
warning: gstreamer-vaapi: build arch not compatible: i386 i486 i586 i686 athlon
info: building repo metadata ...
info: package dependency resolving ...
warning: circle found: syspopup->app-core->elementary->app-svc->pkgmgr-info->system-server->syspopup
info: circle found, exit...
error: <gbs>rpmbuild fails


DOH!!!  (That's less far than the last time, didn't even start to build any)

Happy to append the build-log... (if I can just find one)


What can I be doing wrong? I followed the instructions to the letter...





two bob

As the error is now different I have opened


Kind regards,



Ossama Othman

I saw similar permission denied errors on my Ubuntu box.    In my case the problem turned out to be related to the fact that my GBS-ROOT was in an encrypted filesystem, i.e. my home directory.  Despite the fact the null device permissions were correct, the only way I found to work around the errors was to point my GBS-ROOT to a directory in an unencrypted filesystem, such as /tmp (probably not the best place for GBS-ROOT).  Unfortunately, I haven't found the cause of the permission denied error.

Ankit Kumar

Hi all,

    i created platform,ums,data.img file after build up procedure given on
    ISSUE Facing: At the bootup time after uncompressing kernel
                            this error is coming

            [    4.312499] Failed to execute /sbin/init.  Attempting defaults...
            [    4.319000] Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel. See Linux Documentation/init.txt for guidance.

    Note: I checked in "GBR-ROOT/.../BUILD-ROOT/armv7.0/sbin/" directory.there is no executable named as init.
Kindly suggest what i need to do next.

2)Kindly guide the hierarchy for partition.



In my case, the cause of no device permissions was that my /home filesystem had been mounted with the 'nodev' option (see the output of the 'mount' command). Then, it is enough to remount with 'dev':

# mount -o remount,dev /home

and the Tizen build will be able to access any device nodes it creates in ~/GBS-ROOT.
