
Connecting Same Gear Application (Consumer) with multiple (2) Android hosts



We have a Gear App which connects to Android Host with the package name "project".

We have added the following line in "config.xml" of Gear Application


<tizen:metadata key="master_app_packagename" value="com.organization.project"/>


Is it possible to connect the same Gear Application to the Android Application with different package name.

For ex., If I add the following line in config.xml file


<tizen:metadata key="master_app_packagename" value="com.organization.project2"/>


so that my Gear Application connects to whichever Host application is present at Android side.


1 Replies
Masum Talukder


As per my understanding, It should be possible to mention more than one peer Host-App name in the Gear Application side to confirm that peer applications are installed and campatible with your gear application. But this meta-data tag is not needed at all if the gear application is an Standalone application.

For further details about this topic can be found in this link: Configuring Gear Application

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