I looked same stuff about Application Details Page Deeplink ( Seller office - Application - Binary tab - Application Details Page Deeplink)
Deep Linking Guide v1.0 But I can not yet understand for what exactly it is.
1. For applications that are not standelon (Companion (Wearable)) or
this link can be
2. inserted into the application standelon for the link (advertising) to another application?
If 2. is real - how it make?
From a web app You should use the following information to implement deep linking. App ID : org.tizen.tizenstore Operation ID : "http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/view" Uri : tizenstore://Main Define the desired functionality required from the application to be launched and call the launchAppControl() method.
Where exactly i should use it and how? For example What is Uri - Where I can get it?