Mobile native

External Output Manager: Using the External Output Devices

This tutorial demonstrates how you can control external output devices with the External Output Manager (EOM).

This feature is supported in mobile applications only.


Become familiar with the External Output Manager API basics by learning about:

Initializing the EOM

To initialize EOM:

  1. To use the functions and data types of the External Output Manager API, include the <eom.h> header file in your application:
    #include <eom.h>
  2. Initialize the application with the eom_init() function.

Getting the Output ID

To retrieve the output ID, use the eom_get_eom_output_ids() function. You need the ID to get information about the output device and to control the external window.

sample_get_output_id(const char *output_name)
   eom_output_id *output_ids = NULL;
   eom_output_id output_id = 0;
   eom_output_type_e output_type = EOM_OUTPUT_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
   int id_cnt = 0;
   int i;

   output_ids = eom_get_eom_output_ids(&id_cnt);
   if (id_cnt == 0)
      printf ("no external outputs supported\n");

      return 0;

   for (i = 0; i < id_cnt; i++)
      eom_get_output_type(output_ids[i], &output_type);
      if (!strncmp(output_name, "HDMI", 4))
         if (output_type == EOM_OUTPUT_TYPE_HDMIA || output_type == EOM_OUTPUT_TYPE_HDMIB)
            output_id = output_ids[i];
      else if (!strncmp(output_name, "Virtual", 7))
         if (output_type == EOM_OUTPUT_TYPE_VIRTUAL)
            output_id = output_ids[i];

   if (output_ids)

   return output_id;

Setting the Presentation Mode

To connect to an external output device in the presentation mode, use the eom_set_output_attribute() function to set the presentation mode priority attribute.

If the setting is successful, the External Output Manager module uses the presentation mode when the external output device connected.

   m_output_id output_id = 0;
   int ret;

   output_id = sample_get_output_id("HDMI");

   ret = eom_set_output_attribute(output_id, EOM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
   if (ret != EOM_ERROR_NONE) 
      // Attribute setting failed, the external output device cannot be used. Deinitializing

      return -1;

   return 0;

If the EOM_ERROR_NONE response is received from the eom_set_output_attribute() function, the application can use the external output device.

Setting the External Window

To set an external window, use the eom_set_output_window() function. This function moves the window to the external output and automatically resizes it to the best resolution of the external output device.

Before calling this function, you must receive a success return from the eom_set_output_attribute() function.

   Evas_Object *window;
   window = elm_win_add(NULL, "external_window", ELM_WIN_BASIC);
   if (eom_set_output_window(output_id, window) == EOM_ERROR_NONE)
      return 0;

      return -1;

Getting the Status of the External Output Device

To get information about the external output device:

  • You can retrieve information about the external output device details with the following functions:
    • eom_get_output_type(): Get the connection type of the external output.
    • eom_get_output_mode(): Get the external output mode.

      The mirror mode is the default mode. If the eom_set_output_attribute() function has executed successfully, the external output works in the presentation mode.

    • eom_get_output_attribute(): Get the presentation mode priority attribute information.
    • eom_get_output_attribute_state(): Get the attribute state information.

      If the application sets the attribute, the EOM sends the current attribute state to the application:

      • ACTIVE: The application can use the external output.
      • INACTIVE: The application was disconnected from the external output.
      • LOST: The application cannot use the external output because another application has set the attribute. The application cannot receive the attribute state anymore.
    • eom_get_output_resolution(): Get the best resolution of the external output device.
    • eom_get_output_physical_size(): Get the physical size of the external output device.
  • You can receive notifications about state changes in the external output device:
    1. Define the callbacks for various state changes:
         Evas_Object *external_window;
         int output_id;
      } SampleInfo;
      // Triggered when the external output is connected
      static void
      sample_notify_cb_output_add(eom_output_id output_id, void *user_data)
         SampleInfo *info = (SampleInfo*)user_data;
         if (!info->external_window)
            // Create the external window
      // Triggered when the external output is disconnected
      static void
      sample_notify_cb_output_remove(eom_output_id output_id, void *user_data)
         SampleInfo *info = (SampleInfo*)user_data;
         if (!info->external_window)
            info->external_window = NULL;
      // Triggered when the state of the EOM output attribute changes
      static void
      sample_notify_cb_attribute_changed(eom_output_id output_id, void *user_data)
         SampleInfo *info = (SampleInfo*)user_data;
         eom_output_attribute_e attribute = EOM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NONE;
         eom_output_attribute_state_e state = EOM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE_STATE_NONE;
         eom_get_output_attribute(output_id, &attribute);
         eom_get_output_attribute_state(output_id, &state);
            // Start displaying the image to the external output(info->external_window);
         else if (state == EOM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE_STATE_INACTIVE)
            // Stop displaying the image
            // Destroy the external_window
            if (info->external_window)
               info->external_window = NULL;
         else if (state == EOM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE_STATE_LOST)
            // Stop displaying the image
            // Destroy the external_window
            if (info->external_window)
               info->external_window = NULL;
            // Remove the callbacks
            eom_deinit ();

      You can also define the eom_mode_change_cb callback to be triggered when the EOM output mode changes.

    2. Register the callbacks:
         SampleInfo *info;
         eom_output_mode_e output_mode = EOM_OUTPUT_MODE_NONE;
         int ret;
         info = calloc(sizeof(SampleInfo));
         info->output_id = sample_get_output_id("HDMI");
         ret = eom_set_output_attribute(info->hdmi_output_id, EOM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
         if (ret != EOM_ERROR_NONE)
            // Cannot use the external output device
            eom_get_output_mode(info->output_id, &output_mode);
            if (output_mode != EOM_OUTPUT_MODE_NONE)
               // Create the external window
            // Add the callbacks
            eom_set_output_added_cb(sample_notify_cb_output_add, info);
            eom_set_output_removed_cb(sample_notify_cb_output_remove, info);
            eom_set_attribute_changed_cb(sample_notify_cb_attribute_changed, info);

      To register the eom_mode_change_cb callback, use the eom_set_mode_changed_cb() function.

    3. When no longer needed, delete the callbacks:
         return 0;

      To delete the eom_mode_change_cb callback, use the eom_unset_mode_changed_cb() function.

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