Audio I/O: Recording from the Audio Device and Playing Raw Audio Data
This tutorial demonstrates how you can control audio input and output to record and play audio.
Become familiar with the Audio I/O and Sound Manager API basics by learning about:
Initializing Audio Devices
Initialize the audio input and output devices for use.
Managing Synchronous Recording and Playback
Using a synchronous API, record an audio sample from the audio input device, play the recorded audio sample through the audio output device, and modify the volume in the recorded audio sample.
Managing Asynchronous Recording and Playback
Using an asynchronous API, record an audio sample from the audio input device, and play the recorded audio sample through the audio output device.
Initializing Audio Devices
To initialize the audio input and output devices for use:
To use the functions and data types of the Audio I/O (in mobile and wearable applications) and Sound Manager (in mobile and wearable applications) APIs, include the <audio_io.h> and <sound_manager.h> header files in your application:
#include <audio_io.h> #include <sound_manager.h>
To initialize the audio input and output devices, use the audio_in_create() and audio_out_create() functions:
// Define the sample rate for recording audio #define SAMPLE_RATE 44100 // Declare the variable used for checking function results audio_io_error_e error_code; // Initialize the audio input device audio_in_h input; error_code = audio_in_create(SAMPLE_RATE, AUDIO_CHANNEL_MONO, AUDIO_SAMPLE_TYPE_S16_LE, &input); // Initialize the audio output device audio_out_h output; error_code = audio_out_create(SAMPLE_RATE, AUDIO_CHANNEL_MONO, AUDIO_SAMPLE_TYPE_S16_LE, SOUND_TYPE_SYSTEM, &output);
The audio input and output devices support the channel types defined in the audio_channel_e enumeration (in mobile and wearable applications), and the sample types defined in the audio_sample_type_e enumeration (in mobile and wearable applications). For playing the recorded audio, use the same channel and sample type in both audio devices.
The sound types are defined in the sound_type_e enumeration (in mobile and wearable applications). You can select the sound type according to the audio sample type.
Managing Synchronous Recording and Playback
Recording and playing audio synchronously involves:
You can also modify the volume of the audio sample.
Creating a Buffer for Audio Data
Before starting the synchronous recording process, you need to create a local buffer for storing the audio data. To create the buffer, you need to know its required size based on the expected duration of the recording, since the recording process ends when the buffer is full.
To determine the required buffer size, use one of the following options:
To determine the required buffer size based on what is recommended by the Audio I/O API:
Retrieve the recommended buffer size using the audio_in_get_buffer_size() function. The function retrieves the buffer size recommended by the sound server (such as PulseAudio).
int buffer_size; error_code = audio_in_get_buffer_size(input, &buffer_size);
If no error occurs, the buffer_size parameter returns the preferred size of the buffer that must be allocated (in bytes), based on the specified audio parameters.
The recommended buffer size depends on the device. The size can be different for TV, mobile, and wearable devices.
Set the buffer size to correspond to the desired duration of the recording.
For example, for the device used in creating this tutorial, the audio_in_get_buffer_size() function returns the recommended buffer size for 100 milliseconds of recording time. To determine the actual, required buffer size in seconds, multiply the recommended buffer size by 10 (to increase the duration from 100 milliseconds to 1 second) and by the number of seconds the recording lasts (here, 5 seconds):
#define RECORDING_SEC 5 buffer_size *= 10 * RECORDING_SEC;
To explicitly calculate the required buffer size:
Retrieve the audio channel type using the audio_in_get_channel() function:
audio_channel_e channel; error_code = audio_in_get_channel(input, &channel);
Retrieve the audio sample type using the audio_in_get_sample_type() function:
audio_sample_type_e sample_type; error_code = audio_in_get_sample_type(input, &sample_type);
Calculate the buffer size based on the retrieved information:
int buffer_size = SAMPLE_RATE * (channel == AUDIO_CHANNEL_STEREO ? 2 : 1) * (sample_type == AUDIO_SAMPLE_TYPE_S16_LE ? 2 : 1);
Multiply the buffer size by the number of seconds the recording lasts:
buffer_size *= RECORDING_SEC;
After determining the required buffer size, allocate the memory to the buffer using the malloc() function:
void *buffer = malloc(buffer_size);
You have created the local buffer for storing the audio data. You can now start the synchronous recording process.
Recording and Playing an Audio Sample
The synchronous recording and playback processes block other processes running in the same thread. Launching a recording or playback process from the main thread of the application can make the application unresponsive. To prevent this, launch the recording and playback processes from their own thread. For example, in this use case, the recording and playback processes are run inside the synchronous_playback() function, which is executed in a separate thread using the ecore_thread_run() function:
ecore_thread_run(synchronous_playback, NULL, NULL, NULL);
To record and play audio:
Prepare the audio input device and start the recording process using the audio_in_prepare() function:
// Prepare the audio input device (starts the hardware recording process) error_code = audio_in_prepare(input);
Copy the audio data from the internal input buffer to the local buffer using the audio_in_read() function:
// Copy the audio data from the internal input buffer to the local buffer int bytes_number = audio_in_read(input, buffer, buffer_size);
The returned value represents the number of bytes read from the internal input buffer. A negative value represents an error code.
The audio_in_read() function can behave in the following ways:
- If the function is called immediately after preparing the audio input device, the function blocks the thread it is launched from until the local buffer is full.
- If the function is called with a delay long enough to allow the internal input buffer to store more audio data than the local buffer can hold, the function executes immediately without blocking its thread.
The audio_in_read() function fills the local buffer by copying audio data from the internal input buffer. If the internal input buffer does not contain enough data to fill up the local buffer, the function waits until enough data is recorded. If you want to start recording audio immediately after clicking a button, call the audio_in_prepare() function just before the audio_in_read() function inside the same button callback function. If you prepare the audio input device earlier in a separate function and only run the audio_in_read() function inside the button callback function, the local buffer is filled with audio data recorded before the button is clicked.
Stop the recording process using the audio_in_unprepare() function:
// Stop the hardware recording process error_code = audio_in_unprepare(input);
After you have finished working with the audio input device, deinitialize it using the audio_in_destroy() function:
// Deinitialize the audio input device error_code = audio_in_destroy(input);
Prepare the audio output device and start the playback process using the audio_out_prepare() function:
// Prepare the audio output device (starts the hardware playback process) error_code = audio_out_prepare(output);
The hardware device prepares its internal output buffer for playback. Playback begins when the internal output buffer starts receiving audio data.
To start playing the recorded audio, copy the audio data from the local buffer to the internal output buffer using the audio_out_write() function:
// Copy the audio data from the local buffer to the internal output buffer int bytes_number = audio_out_write(output, buffer, buffer_size);
The returned value represents the number of bytes written to the internal output buffer. A negative value represents an error code.
The audio_out_write() function behaves in a similar manner to the audio_in_read() function.
After all data has been copied to the internal output buffer, release the memory allocated to the local buffer using the free() function:
// Release the memory allocated to the local buffer free(buffer);
Stop the playback process using the audio_out_unprepare() function:
// Stop the hardware playback process error_code = audio_out_unprepare(output);
After you have finished working with the audio output device, deinitialize it using the audio_out_destroy() function:
// Deinitialize the audio output device error_code = audio_out_destroy(output);
The hardware device starts buffering the audio recorded by the audio input device. The audio data is buffered to the internal input buffer.
Modifying the Audio Sample Volume
Note |
Modifying the volume only works if you have not emptied the local buffer or deinitialized the input audio device. |
To modify the volume of the audio sample stored in the local buffer:
#define MIN_2BYTES_SIGNED (−32768) #define MAX_2BYTES_SIGNED 32767 void modify_sound() { // Retrieve the sample type of the input audio_sample_type_e sample_type; int error_code = audio_in_get_sample_type(input, &sample_type); if (error_code != AUDIO_IO_ERROR_NONE) { dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "audio_in_get_sample_type() failed! Error code = %d", error_code); return; } uint8_t *index = (uint8_t*)buffer; while (index < (((uint8_t*)buffer)+buffer_size)) { if (AUDIO_SAMPLE_TYPE_S16_LE == sample_type) { // Use the int16_t type, because it is 2 bytes long int16_t *value = (int16_t*)index; // Make the sample louder int32_t tmp = (*value) * 8; // Why not 8 times louder? (on dB scale even much louder) if (tmp > MAX_2BYTES_SIGNED) tmp = MAX_2BYTES_SIGNED; if (tmp < MIN_2BYTES_SIGNED) tmp = MIN_2BYTES_SIGNED; (*value) = tmp; } else { // Use the uint8_t type, because it is 1 byte long uint8_t *value = (uint8_t*)index; // Make the sample louder uint16_t tmp = (*value) * 8; // Why not 8 times louder? (on dB scale even much louder) if (tmp > 255) tmp = 255; (*value) = tmp; } // Go to the next sample index += sample_type == AUDIO_SAMPLE_TYPE_S16_LE? 2 : 1; } dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "Volume of the synchronous recording increased."); }
In this example, the volume is significantly increased. You can also make other modifications to the audio sample playback.
Managing Asynchronous Recording and Playback
Recording and playing audio asynchronously involves:
Starting Asynchronous Recording
The asynchronous recording process uses a callback function for storing the audio recorded by the audio input device. The callback function is invoked asynchronously for each chunk of recorded audio. In this use case, the audio data is stored in a file rather than a local buffer.
To start recording audio:
Set the callback function using the audio_in_set_stream_cb() function. Use this function before calling the audio_in_prepare() function, because otherwise the callback function is never invoked.
// Set a callback function that is invoked asynchronously for each chunk of recorded audio error_code = audio_in_set_stream_cb(input, _audio_io_stream_read_cb, NULL);
Create and open the file for storing the audio data:
#include <storage.h> // Prepare the file where the recorded audio data is stored char io_stream_w_path[200]; char *storage_path; // You can find the storage ID using the storage_foreach_device_supported() function int error = storage_get_directory(storage_id, STORAGE_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS, &storage_path); snprintf(io_stream_w_path, 200, "%s/%s", storage_path, "pcm_w.raw"); free(storage_path); FILE* fp_w = fopen(io_stream_w_path, "w"); if (!fp_w) { dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "fopen() function failed while opening %s file!", io_stream_w_path); }
The storage_get_directory() function of the Storage API (in mobile and wearable applications) retrieves the storage path based on the storage ID. To retrieve the storage ID, use the storage_foreach_device_supported() function of the Storage API.
Prepare the audio input device and start the recording process using the audio_in_prepare() function:
// Prepare the audio input device (starts the hardware recording process) error_code = audio_in_prepare(input);
The hardware device starts buffering the audio recorded by the audio input device. The audio data is buffered to the internal input buffer. The callback function is invoked separately for each chunk of audio data.
To store the recorded audio data in the file (inside the callback function):
- Retrieve a pointer to the internal input buffer and the number of recorded audio data bytes using the audio_in_peek() function.
- Retrieve the recorded audio data from the internal input buffer and store it in the file using the fwrite() function.
- Remove the recorded audio data, since it is no longer needed, from the internal input buffer using the audio_in_drop() function.
// Callback invoked for each chunk of recorded audio void _audio_io_stream_read_cb(audio_in_h handle, size_t nbytes, void *userdata) { const void * buffer = NULL; if (nbytes > 0) { // Retrieve a pointer to the internal input buffer and the number of recorded audio data bytes int error_code = audio_in_peek(handle, &buffer, &nbytes); if (error_code != AUDIO_IO_ERROR_NONE) { dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "audio_in_peek() failed! Error code = %d", error_code); return; } // Store the recorded audio data in the file fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), nbytes, fp_w); // Remove the recorded audio data from the internal input buffer error_code = audio_in_drop(handle); if (error_code != AUDIO_IO_ERROR_NONE) { dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "audio_in_drop() failed! Error code = %d", error_code); } } }
Stopping Asynchronous Recording
To stop recording audio:
Stop the recording process using the audio_in_unprepare() function:
// Stop the hardware recording process error_code = audio_in_unprepare(input);
The device no longer invokes the callback function.
If you no longer need asynchronous recording, or if you want to set the callback function separately for each asynchronous recording session, unset the callback function using the audio_in_unset_stream_cb() function:
// Unset the callback function used for asynchronous recording error_code = audio_in_unset_stream_cb(input);
After you have finished working with the audio input device, deinitialize it using the audio_in_destroy() function:
// Deinitialize the audio input device error_code = audio_in_destroy(input);
Close the file where the recorded audio is stored using the fclose() function:
// Close the file used for asynchronous recording error_code = fclose(fp_w); fp_w = NULL;
Starting Asynchronous Playback
The asynchronous playback process uses a callback function for playing the recorded audio. The callback function is invoked asynchronously for each chunk of recorded audio. In this use case, the audio data is read from a file rather than a local buffer.
To start playing the recorded audio:
Set the callback function using the audio_out_set_stream_cb() function:
// Set a callback function that is invoked asynchronously for each chunk of stored (recorded) audio error_code = audio_out_set_stream_cb(output, _audio_io_stream_write_cb, NULL);
Open the file where the audio data is stored:
#include <storage.h> // Prepare the file where the recorded audio data is stored char io_stream_r_path[200]; char *storage_path; // You can find the storage ID using the storage_foreach_device_supported() function int error = storage_get_directory(storage_id, STORAGE_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS, &storage_path); snprintf(io_stream_r_path, 200, "%s/%s", storage_path, "pcm_w.raw"); free(storage_path); FILE* fp_r = fopen(io_stream_r_path, "r");
The storage_get_directory() function of the Storage API retrieves the storage path based on the storage ID. To retrieve the storage ID, use the storage_foreach_device_supported() function of the Storage API.
Prepare the audio output device and start the playback process using the audio_out_prepare() function:
// Prepare the audio output device (starts the hardware playback process) error_code = audio_out_prepare(output);
The hardware device prepares its internal output buffer for playback.
To play the audio from the file (inside the callback function):
Allocate a local buffer for the audio data using the malloc() function. The function returns a pointer to the buffer. Reset the buffer by filling it with zeros using the memset() function.
Read audio data from the file and store the data in the local buffer using the fread() function.
Copy the audio data from the local buffer to the internal output buffer using the audio_out_write() function. Playback begins when the internal output buffer starts receiving the audio data.
Release the memory allocated to the local buffer using the free() function.
// Callback invoked for each chunk of stored (recorded) audio void _audio_io_stream_write_cb(audio_out_h handle, size_t nbytes, void *userdata) { char * buffer = NULL; if (nbytes > 0) { // Allocate and reset a local buffer for reading the audio data from the file buffer = malloc(nbytes); memset(buffer, 0, nbytes); // Read audio data from the file and store it in the local buffer fread(buffer, sizeof(char), nbytes, fp_r); // Copy the audio data from the local buffer to the internal output buffer (starts playback) int data_size = audio_out_write(handle, buffer, nbytes); if (data_size < 0) { dlog_print(DLOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, "audio_out_write() failed! Error code = %d", data_size); } // Release the memory allocated to the local buffer free(buffer); } }
Stopping Asynchronous Playback
To stop playing the recorded audio:
Stop the playback process using the audio_out_unprepare() function:
// Stop the hardware playback process error_code = audio_out_unprepare(output);
The device no longer invokes the callback function.
If you no longer need asynchronous playback, or if you want to set the callback function separately for each asynchronous playback session, unset the callback function using the audio_out_unset_stream_cb() function:
// Unset the callback function used for asynchronous playback error_code = audio_out_unset_stream_cb(output);
After you have finished working with the audio output device, deinitialize it using the audio_out_destroy() function:
// Deinitialize the audio output device error_code = audio_out_destroy(output);
Close the file where the recorded audio is stored using the fclose() function:
// Close the file used for asynchronous playback error_code = fclose(fp_r); fp_r = NULL;