Useful Guides for W3C/HTML5 Features
Useful guides for W3C/HTML5 features include information on W3C features related to various APIs.
The main useful features are:
HTML Priorities
Enables you to use CSS and JavaScript code effectively with HTML elements.
The following guides apply in mobile applications only:
Multiple Screen Support
Allows you to create an application that is both scalable and adaptive to multiple screen resolutions.
Frame Flattening
Allows you to improve the scrollability of small screens.
Tizen WebKit Tap Sound Policy
Allows you to play sounds to provide responsiveness on user interaction.
The following guides apply in wearable applications only:
Performance Improvement
Allows you to improve the performance of Tizen Web applications.
Multiple UI Layouts
Allows you to design your application layout so that your application can run on multiple Tizen devices.