Tizen WebKit Tap Sound Policy
This feature is supported in mobile applications only.
To provide responsiveness on user interaction, Tizen WebKit plays sounds when a user taps an element and specific conditions are fulfilled.
Sound is not played in case of a tap event for:
- HTML elements whose disabled property is set to disabled
- HTML <input> elements whose type attribute is set to one of the following editable types:
- date
- datetime
- datetime-local
- month
- number
- password
- range
- search
- tel
- text
- time
- url
- week
- HTML <textarea> elements
Sound is played in case of a tap event for:
- HTML <a> elements with the href attribute
- HTML <area> elements with the href attribute
- HTML <button> elements
- HTML <input> elements
- HTML <keygen> elements
- HTML <select> elements
- HTML <summary> elements with a visible heading for the HTML <details> element
- HTML elements on which the click event listener is registered
- HTML elements on which the mousedown event listener is registered
- HTML elements on which the mouseup event listener is registered
- HTML elements on which the mouseover event listener is registered
- MediaController objects of the HTML media elements