Mobile native Wearable native

UI Framework

UI framework features include all aspects of creating a visual outlook for your application to ensure the best possible user experience.

The main UI features are:

  • EFL

    Enables you to construct graphical user interfaces.

  • Eina

    Enables you to create and manipulate the most common data types and tools of Eina.

  • Evas

    Enables you to manipulate objects on a clean display canvas formed for the target display systems.

  • Edje

    Enables you to theme an application.

  • Ecore

    Enables you to manage the application main loop.
  • Event and Effect

    Enables you to handle different kinds of events.

  • UI Components

    Enables you to manage shortcuts, UI components, and scalability.
  • Efl Extension

    Enables you to work with the Menu and Back hardware keys on devices.

  • Font Setting

    Enables you to change the font of your application to another system default font or your own font.


    Enables you to manage notification window levels.

  • Multiple Screen Support

    Enables you to design applications for different kinds of screens.

  • Scalability Support

    Enables you to design applications so that their UI can be scaled for diverse devices without problems.

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