UI Component Styles
For each winset, there are many styles supported in the native framework. Following the concept of the native framework in EFL, apply styles using the elm_object_style_set function.
This feature is supported in mobile applications only.
The following tables list the styles for each winset, including the names of the styles, and the name of the part where to set text or some other Evas_Object in the UI component.
Table: Button styles
Style |
Sample |
Text part |
Swallow part |
Notes |
elm/button/base/default |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.content |
elm/button/base/anchor |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.content |
elm/button/base/bottom |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.content |
This style is used widely at the bottom of the screen. |
elm/button/base/circle |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.content |
elm/button/base/dropdown |
elm.text |
elm/button/base/hoversel_horizontal/default |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.content |
elm/button/base/hoversel_horizontal_entry/default |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.content |
elm/button/base/hoversel_vertical/default |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.content |
elm/button/base/hoversel_vertical_entry/default |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.content |
elm/button/base/icon_reorder |
elm/button/base/naviframe/drawers |
elm/button/base/naviframe/title_cancel |
elm/button/base/naviframe/title_done |
elm/button/base/option |
Table: Check styles
Style |
Sample |
elm/check/base/default |
elm/check/base/favorite |
elm/check/base/on&off |
Table: Colorselector styles
Style |
Sample |
Notes |
elm/colorselector/item/color/colorplane |
Use the following command: elm_colorselector_mode_set(colorselector, ELM_COLORSELECTOR_PALETTE);
Table: Progressbar styles
Style |
Sample |
default |
wheel |
Table: Radio styles
Style |
Sample |
default |
Table: List styles
Style |
Sample |
Text part |
Swallow part |
default |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon: for the icon on the left.
elm.swallow.end: for the icon on the right.
Table: Multi Button Entry styles
Style |
Sample |
Text part |
Notes |
elm/multibuttonentry/base/default |
elm.text, guide |
The guide text part is used when there is no item in the Multi Button Entry. It is removed automatically when an item is appended in the Multi Button Entry. |
Table: Toolbar styles
Style |
Sample |
Text part |
Swallow part |
Notes |
elm/toolbar/base/default |
elm/toolbar/base/navigationbar |
elm/toolbar/base/tabbar_with_title |
elm/toolbar/item/default |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon |
This style is for the toolbar's item. Check the elm_toolbar_item_append() function to set the text and the icon. |
elm/toolbar/item/navigationbar |
elm.text |
This style is for the toolbar's item. Check the elm_toolbar_item_append() function to set the text and the icon. |
Table: Flipselector styles
Style |
Sample |
default |
The style of the genlist's item is not set by external APIs. Check the guide of Genlist to check how to use the item class to set the item's style.
Table: Genlist styles
Style |
Sample |
Text part |
Swallow part |
Notes |
default |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon: for the icon on the left.
elm.swallow.end: for the icon on the right.
default_style |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon: for the icon on the left.
elm.swallow.end: for the icon on the right.
double_label |
elm.text: for the main text.
elm.text.sub: for the sub text.
elm.swallow.icon: for the icon on the left.
elm.swallow.end: for the icon on the right.
end_icon |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon |
full |
elm.swallow.content |
The swallow part is the full size of the item. There is no padding in the item. |
group_index |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon: for the icon on the left.
elm.swallow.end: for the icon on the right.
one_icon |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon |
message |
elm.text: for the text on the top.
elm.title.1: for the text in the middle.
elm.title.2: for the text on the bottom.
The style of the gengrid's item is not set by external APIs. For more information on using the item class to set the item's style, see the guide of gengrid.
Table: Gengrid styles
Style |
Sample |
Text part |
Swallow part |
Notes |
default |
elm.swallow.icon |
album-preview |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon |
block |
This style is used to show an empty area. |
group_index |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon |
default_grid |
elm.swallow.icon |
default_gridtext2 |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon |
default_gridtext |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon |
default_style |
elm.text |
elm.swallow.icon |
Table: Segmentation Control styles
Style |
Sample |
default |
Table: Index styles
Style |
Sample |
Notes |
default |
This style is for supporting the vertical style. |
default |
This style is for supporting the horizontal style. To set a horizontal index, use the elm_index_horizontal_set. |
pagecontrol |
This style is used for the "page control" layout. For more information, refer to the Core Control sample application. |
Table: Contextual Popup (Ctxpopup) styles
Style |
Sample |
Notes |
default |
dropdown/list |
The size of the item and the ctxpopup follow the size of the screen. |
dropdown/label |
The size of the item and the ctxpopup follow the maximum length of the item. |
Table: Icon styles
Style |
Sample |
apps |
arrow_down |
arrow_left |
arrow_right |
arrow_up |
chat |
clock |
close |
delete |
edit |
file |
home |
media_player/forward |
media_player/info |
media_player/next |
media_player/pause |
media_player/play |
media_player/prev |
media_player/rewind |
media_player/stop |
menu/apps |
menu/arrow_down |
menu/arrow_left |
menu/arrow_right |
menu/arrow_up |
menu/chat |
menu/clock |
menu/close |
menu/delete |
menu/edit |
menu/file |
menu/folder |
menu/home |
menu/refresh |
no_photo |
photo/no_photo |
refresh |
toolbar/apps |
toolbar/arrow_down |
toolbar/arrow_left |
toolbar/arrow_right |
toolbar/arrow_up |
toolbar/chat |
toolbar/clock |
toolbar/close |
toolbar/delete |
toolbar/edit |
toolbar/file |
toolbar/folder |
toolbar/home |
toolbar/more_menu |
toolbar/refresh |
Table: Entry styles
Style |
Sample |
Text part |
Swallow part |
Notes |
default |
elm.guide: for the guide text.
elm.text: for the main text.
The guide text is automatically erased when the main text is entered. |
Table: Datetime styles
Style |
Sample |
date_layout |
time_layout |
time_layout_24hr |
Table: Panel (drawer) styles
Style |
Sample |
Swallow part |
Notes |
default |
elm.swallow.content |
For more information on the drawer, see the [UI Sample] Core Control guide. |
Table: Slider styles
Style |
Sample |
Swallow part |
horizontal/default |
elm.swallow.icon |
horizontal/center_point |
elm.swallow.icon |
vertical/center_point |
vertical/default |
Table: Popup styles
Style |
Sample |
default |
toast |
Table: Spinner styles
Style |
Sample |
horizontal |
vertical |