Mobile native


This feature is supported in mobile applications only.

The photocam component displays high resolution photos taken from digital cameras. It provides a way to zoom in the photo, load it fast, and fit it nicely on the screen. It is optimized for .jpeg images format and has a low memory footprint.

This UI component implements the scroller interface, so all the functions concerning the scroller can be used with the photocam component.

Figure: Photocam hierarchy

Photocam hierarchy

Adding a Photocam Component

The following example shows how to create a photocam component and set an image file on it.

Evas_Object *photocam;
photocam = elm_photocam_add(win);
elm_photocam_file_set(photocam, "/tmp/photo.jpeg");

Using Photocam Zoom

You can choose between two automatic zoom modes and a manual zoom mode. In the following example the zoom mode is set to manual and a double zoom is requested.

elm_photocam_zoom_mode_set(photocam, ELM_PHOTOCAM_ZOOM_MODE_MANUAL);
elm_photocam_zoom_set(photocam, 2.0);

The zoom mode can be set to ELM_PHOTOCAM_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FIT. In this case, the photo fits exactly inside the scroll frame with no pixels outside this region. The zoom mode can also be set to ELM_PHOTOCAM_ZOOM_MODE_AUTO_FILL to fill all the pixels of the photocam component.

Multi-touch zooming is activated by enabling gestures.

elm_photocam_gesture_enabled_set(photocam, EINA_TRUE);

You can zoom in a specific region. The following example shows how to zoom in the region starting at the coordinates (200x200), with a width of 400px and a height of 300px.

elm_photocam_image_region_bring_in(photocam, 200, 200, 400, 300);

Using Photocam Callbacks

The photocam component emits the following signals:

  • clicked: The user has clicked the photo without dragging around.
  • press: The user has pressed down on the photo.
  • longpressed: The user has pressed down on the photo for a long time without dragging around.
  • clicked,double: The user has double-clicked the photo.
  • load: The photo load begins.
  • loaded: The image file load is complete for the first view (a low resolution blurry version).
  • load,detail: A photo detailed data load begins.
  • loaded,detail: The image file load is complete for the detailed image data (full resolution is needed).
  • zoom,start: Zoom animation starts.
  • zoom,stop: Zoom animation stops.
  • zoom,change: The zoom is changed when using an auto zoom mode.
  • scroll: The content is scrolled.
  • scroll,anim,start: Scrolling animation starts.
  • scroll,anim,stop: Scrolling animation stops.
  • scroll,drag,start: Dragging the content around starts.
  • scroll,drag,stop: Dragging the content around stops.

For all these signals, event_info is NULL.

The following example shows how to register a callback on the loaded signal.

void message_port_cb(int local_port_id, const char *remote_app_id, bundle *message)
   evas_object_smart_callback_add(photocam, "loaded", loaded_cb, data);

// Callback function for the "loaded" signal
// The photocam has loaded the photo file in a low resolution
void loaded_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
   dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, "The photo has been loaded\n");
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