Mobile Wearable

Event Injector

In the Emulator Control Panel (ECP), you can inject various types of events.

Providing Device Data

The Emulator Control Panel (ECP) can be used to simulate device data, such as the battery level, adding or removing a ear jack (headset) or USB device, setting RSSI (remote signal strength indicator) information, and attaching and detaching the SD card in the Device tab:

  • Setting the battery level

    In the Battery tab, set the battery level using the Level slider. To set the charger status to connected or disconnected, select the appropriate Charger radio button.

  • Adding or removing an ear jack

    In the EarJack tab, select the ear jack setting:

    • 3 Wire
    • 4 Wire
    • Disconnect
  • Adding or removing a USB device

    In the USB tab, set the USB device setting to the connected or disconnected state.

  • Setting the RSSI information

    In the RSSI tab, set the RSSI information level using the Level slider.

  • Attaching and detaching the SD card

    In the SD Card tab, select the 4G, 8G, 16G, or 32G SD card and attach it to the Emulator at runtime.

    The same SD card cannot be attached to multiple Emulators at the same time.

The device information set using the ECP is reflected on the indicator bar of the device.

Providing Location Data

The Emulator Control Panel (ECP) can be used to provide imitated responses to location data requests by loading GPS log files, manually entering location coordinates, or injecting markers directly on the map in the Location tab:

  • Loading a GPS log file

    In the Log section, select the pre-logged GPS data file (NMEA183 format) and click Inject Log to send the location data to the Emulator.

  • Manually entering location coordinates

    In the Manual section, enter the coordinates and click Inject Location to send the location data to the Emulator. The range of the latitude, longitude, altitude, and horizontal accuracy is from -90 to 90, -180 to 180, -300 to 100000, and 0 to 100000, respectively.

  • Injecting markers on the map

    In the Map section, right-click the desired map locations and click Inject Markers to send the location data to the Emulator.

Providing NFC Data

The Emulator Control Panel (ECP) can be used to test the near-field communication (NFC) features, such as NFC data exchange format (NDEF) events, NFC tag detection, and peer-to-peer (P2P) data connections in the NFC tab.

The Event Injector view sends only NFC-related events to the Emulator. There is no actual information exchange between the Event Injector and Emulator. Therefore, for features such as writing information to an NFC tag, the Emulator simply displays a success message.

Creating NDEF Messages

An NDEF message contains one or more NDEF records.

In the NDEF Message section:

  1. Select the record type name format.
  2. Enter the record type name, ID, and payload.
  3. Click Add.

    You can add multiple NDEF records as required in the NDEF message.

Click Edit or Remove to modify or delete a selected record.

Attaching and Detaching NFC Tags

In the NFC Tag section:

  1. Select the tag type.
  2. Click Tag Attach.

    If the NDEF records list is not empty, an NDEF message is created using this list and the attach message is sent to the Emulator with the NDEF message.

  3. When the tag operation is finished, click Tag Detach.

Creating a P2P data Connection

In the Peer to Peer section:

  1. To send the Emulator the discovered state of the new device, click P2P Discovered.
  2. To send the Emulator an NDEF message, click P2P Send.
  3. To send the Emulator the detached state of the connected device, click P2P Detached.

Providing Sensor Data

The Emulator Control Panel (ECP) can be used to imitate user actions, such as shaking, throwing, and tilting the device. You can generate single sensor events, or design sensor profiles for different sensors, containing sensor data that describes a series of sensor events.

The sensor profiles have a simple data structure and are stored in TXT files. The sensor data can be input in the specified data structure from the 3-axis, light, proximity, pressure, ultraviolet, or HRM sensors.

The sensor profiles are of 2 types:

  • With timestamp

    The Emulator tries to inject each item at its specified time. Events are discarded if they violate certain performance, resource, or logic limits.

  • Without timestamp

    The Emulator injects each item without any specific time considerations. Profile data is not discarded.

Controlling 3-axis Sensors

The ECP can be used to adjust the acceleration, magnetic, and gyro sensors of the Emulator in the Event Injector > Sensor > 3-Axis Sensors tab.

On the GUI subtab, you can select which sensors are active, and you can move the Emulator using the 3 axis sliders or the direction buttons (Portrait, Landscape, Reverse Portrait, and Reverse Landscape). The Emulator image shows the current position of the Emulator.

To better control the movement, select the With axis check box to see the axes in the Emulator image. You can also fix the y- or z-axis by selecting the X/Z or X/Y radio button, respectively. To change the Emulator accelerator value in the direction of the movement, select the Move radio button.

To adjust the individual sensors:

  • Acceleration sensor:

    This sensor is used to control the acceleration values along the coordinate axes. If the Emulator is standing, the y axis gets the acceleration value -1g as gravitational acceleration.

    To change the acceleration value manually, use the sliders on the Acceleration subtab to set a value between -2 and 2 g.

    You can input a log file with up to 5 repeats for the acceleration sensor. The log file format is: "milliseconds, x, y, z".

  • Magnetic sensor:

    This sensor is used to control the Emulator's magnetic tesla value along the coordinate axes. If the Emulator is standing, the magnetic tesla value is set by heading for real north (azimuth 0).

    To change the magnetic tesla value manually, use the sliders on the Magnetic subtab to set a value between -2000 and 2000 uT.

    You can input a log file with up to 5 repeats for the magnetic sensor. The log file format is: "milliseconds, x, y, z".

  • Gyro sensor:

    This sensor is used to control the Emulator's rotation angle per second along the coordinate axes.

    To change the gyro value manually, use the sliders on the Gyro subtab to set a value between -10 and 10 rad.

    You can input a log file with up to 5 repeats for the gyro sensor. The log file format is: "milliseconds, x, y, z".

Controlling Other Sensors

You can control the light, proximity, pressure, ultraviolet, and HRM sensor of the Emulator under the Event Injector > Sensor tab:

  • To control the light sensor, set the Lux value in the Light tab. The range of this value is from 0 to 65535.

  • To control the proximity sensor, set it on or off in the Proximity tab.

  • To control the pressure sensor, set the hPa (Hectopascal) value in the Pressure tab. The range of this value is from 260 to 1260.

  • To control the ultraviolet sensor, use the slider in the Ultraviolet tab. The unit is UV index and the range of this value is from 0 to 15.0.

  • To control the HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) sensor, use the sliders in the Heart Rate Monitor tab. You can set the Heart Rate value between 0 and 220, and the Peek-to-Peek value between 0 and 5000.

Providing Telephony Features

The Emulator Control Panel (ECP) can be used to generate incoming calls and messages in the Telephony tab.

Generating Incoming Calls

Incoming calls are generated in the Event Injector > Telephony > Call tab.

A Mobile Termination (MT) call is made from the Event Injector view to the Emulator. A Mobile Origination (MO) call is made from the Emulator to the Event Injector view using the phone application of the Emulator.

To make an MT call:

  1. Enter the phone number you want to imitate the call from.
  2. Click Connect.
  3. To hide the phone number on the Emulator, select the Hidden option.

    The caller ID on the Emulator is set to "Unknown".

To make an MO call, use the Emulator's phone application:

  1. To ready the Emulator for the connection, click Alert.
  2. To ready the Emulator for the call, click Connect.

Generating Messages

SMS messages are generated in the Event Injector > Telephony > Messaging tab. After sending a message, your application waits for the asynchronous send status message. You can generate this status report for SMS messages using the same Messaging tab.

To generate an SMS message:

  1. Enter the sender phone number you want to imitate.
  2. Enter the message body text and click Send Msg.

To generate status reports, set the sending status value for the SMS message:

  • SMS OK (Success)
  • SMS Not Available

You can also generate MMS message status reports. To generate MMS status reports, set the sending status value for the MMS message:

  • MMS OK (Success)
  • MMS Failure
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