
Buttons are the most common way to interact with an application. A button can have a text label, an icon, or both.

A button can be in either of the following states:

  • Normal
  • Focused
  • Pressed
  • Disabled


uc_03_1_ui_button_1.png uc_03_1_ui_button_2.png

Button examples.


uc_03_1_ui_button_2_1_nor.png uc_03_1_ui_button_2_2_foc.png

uc_03_1_ui_button_2_3_pre.png uc_03_1_ui_button_2_4_dis.png

Button states.


uc_03_1_ui_button_3_1_nor.png uc_03_1_ui_button_3_2_foc.png uc_03_1_ui_button_3_3_pre.png uc_03_1_ui_button_3_4_dis.png

Icon button states.