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Creating 3D Worlds with Babylon.js


In our voyage through JavaScript 3D engines, this time we want to show you a great 3D WebGL rendering engine – Babylon.js for building 3D applications and games for the web. Babylon is exceptional with its ease of use, fast prototyping and a polite learning curve. With a good documentation and many examples. Babylon.js seems to be the perfect 3D engine to learn for beginners in the 3D web field.

Three.js - importing MD2 3D animated models

Three.js is the most popular 3D JavaScript engine nowadays based on WebGL. It combines the ease of use with flexibility and stability. You should definitely use it if you are building a 3D multimedia application for the web.

This article describes the pipeline of converting an animated MD2 model to work with the Three.js library. We have attached an example application EXAMPLETHREEJS.wgt to the article, which shows how to setup, initialize and use Three.js for creating cool, 3D multimedia web experience.


SceneJS – creating a JavaScript controlled, animated 3D character (part 2)


This is the second part of the article about creating a JavaScript controlled and animated 3D character. In the first part of the article we have showed you where you can look for materials regarding 3D models creation. You have also learned how to export 3D models to the OBJ format and how to create a basic setup of SceneJS. In this part we will cover steps 4 and 5 – that is creating of a skybox and importing and animating 3D OBJ models in SceneJS using JavaScript.

WebGL Tutorial


WebGL (Web Graphics Library), based on OpenGL ES 2.0 provides JavaScript API for rendering 3D graphics. It is supported by majority of the desktop and mobile browsers. Internet Explorer announced its support with IE 11 with Windows 8.1. WebGL is fully supported by Tizen platform. This technology enables the developers to create applications that can run on multiple platforms.