Wearable emulator crashes or doesn’t run

Wearable emulator crashes or doesn’t run

BY 20 Oct 2020 SDK & IDE

Hello Community,

I’m hoping somebody can help.  I recently installed Tizen Studio 3.7 with only the wearable Tizen 4.0 downloads.  The emulators worked fine.  I then upgraded my Galaxy Active 2 to TIzen 5.5 and also updated the Tizen Studio to also have the Tizen 5.5 development tools.  I didn’t test the emulators after that.  I then installed Visual Studio 2019 with a lot of C Sharp tools, the tizen framework; I hadn’t yet pointed VS 2019 to the Tizen SDK path.

Now, when I try to open the Wearable emulators, I get a message that it has stopped or the emulator stays on the ELF screen and never comes to the watch face.

I saw in another post that a community member asked for logs.  “Open the emulator folder, inside that open logs folder you can find “emulator.klog, emulator.log, emulator-skin.log, emulator-skin.log.lck.     Along with this emulator logs please provide (.log) file which is present in workspace inside .metadata folder”

I have gathered these logs and posted them in a zip file here.  Additionally, since I had VS 2019 installed, I took a dump of the memory of the emulator and included the DMP file in the zip file.  I hope this helps identify the problem.

Any questions, please ask and I’ll do my best to help.

Thanks very much


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