Other APIs

The following additional Web APIs are available in Tizen IVI 3.0.

They are referenced here to expose extendable platform capabilities.  These APIs are neither W3C standards, nor are they "official" Tizen Device APIs.  None of them are required for compliance; however, only a subset of these have been integrated in the Tizen IVI SDK, namely the Locale API and the Media Server APIs.

spec link
Single Sign On https://code.google.com/p/accounts-sso/source/browse/widl/signon.widl?repo=libgsignon-glib&name=devel
The Audio System API https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/IVI/AudioSystemAPI
Media Server API http://01org.github.io/cloud-dleyna/mediaserver.html
Media Renderer API http://01org.github.io/cloud-dleyna/mediarenderer.html
Locale API [1] https://developer.tizen.org/dev-guide/2.2.0/org.tizen.web.device.apireference/tizen/systemsetting.html
Launch Screen https://crosswalk-project.org/documentation/manifest/launch_screen.html


[1] The 'locale' setting is accessible via a new SystemSettingType called "LOCALE". 

Example code:

tizen.systemsetting.getProperty("LOCALE", successCallback, failCallback);