Tizen native have handleMessage() like Android program (Samsung Gear)?

Tizen native have handleMessage() like Android program (Samsung Gear)?

BY 15 Dec 2017 Native Application Development

I am building my app which can multi-process (Multi-Thread).

My app will start new process ( new Thread). After new process ends, it can send a message to main-process.

After that main-process catches that message and start another new process.

How can i do it?

Ok I will describe my app.

Main-Process starts function Audio with UI. It play audio file after 5(s) it ends and sends a message with content is “touch_screen”.

Main-Process catches that message touch_screen. App will start service evas_object_event_callback_add(…).

after app can sense events when user touch on screen my Gear. every times touch screen count variable  increase

if (count == 3) then  child thread will send a message again.

Of course that message will send to Main-Process and Main-Process will continues to start new process.


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