Tizen IDE hangs frquenlty & eclipse process not closing (unable to kill) after hangs

Tizen IDE hangs frquenlty & eclipse process not closing (unable to kill) after hangs

BY 04 Dec 2013 SDK & IDE

Hi! Team.,

After doing some change when i try to save my file or try to run the app frequenlty my tizen 2.2 IDE stuck completely.

Efficiantly i can use max 15 mins. If i try to close IDE or kill the process id from terminal also its not closing.

ganesh.ram@sp-desktop:~$ ps -A |grep “eclipse”
 2803 ?        00:00:00 eclipse
 2879 ?        00:00:00 eclipse
ganesh.ram@sp-desktop:~$ kill -9 2803
ganesh.ram@sp-desktop:~$ kill -9 2879

Even it will not allows me to open ide again until I restart my PC.

Its really horrible, Please assit me on this.



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