Tizen emulator not starts

Tizen emulator not starts

BY 21 May 2013 SDK & IDE



I have installed last TizenOS SDK – 2.1.04 from 18 May.

All projects compiled very good – none problems.

The problem is emulator. I created emulator profile by Emulator Manager like that:

– x86 standard

– GPU Enabled

– HW Virtualization disabled (my CPU dosen’t support VT)

The emulator stops in booting state:

I can see:

Booting from ROM...

Decompressing Linux... Parsing ELF... done.

Booting the kernel.

From time to time screem makes black and after some time all back – the same mesages are shown.


I used previous version SDK. I had problems with compilation of Bada projects but Emulator started OK.

What is wrong with that emulator? Why it stops at boot state?


Thanks for any hint.





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