tizen download api: not compatible with w3c file api?

tizen download api: not compatible with w3c file api?

BY 28 Nov 2013 Web Application Development

requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || webkitRequestFileSystem;
requestFileSystem(PERSISTENT, 0, gotFS, fail);

function gotFS(fileSystem) {
        var entry = fileSystem.root;
        entry.getDirectory(“myDir”, { create: true, exclusive: false }, gotDir, fail);

function gotDir(dirEntry) {
    var downloadRequest = new tizen.DownloadRequest(url, dirEntry.fullPath, filename);

This does not work: UnknownError: Platform error while setting destination. Unknown error

In my current opinion, it *should* work this way. I know you can download using tizen.filesystem which is my current solution, but this makes files browsable and deletable through the file explorer – plus the files dont get deleted if you delete the app from the device.


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