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Multiple Screens Support

This article gives some tips on how your application can support screen resolutions in Tizen Native API.

Before reading this article please familiarize with article about Responsive UI and with Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) which is used to create UI in Native API applications for Tizen.

You can find EFL documentation in SDK Help and  on webpage - http://docs.enlightenment.org/.


The Tizen comes in a variety of screen sizes:

Loading a 3D model for your Tizen Native application - part 1


Tizen Native API gives a possibility to create a 3D graphic application based on OpenGL ES 1.1 or 2.0. You can hardcode the model data in the source code and display it (see: Evas GL sample, GLView11Cube, GLViewCube, GLViewShader sample applications in Tizen SDK).

However, don't you think it would be handier to load the 3D model (created with an external tool like Blender) from a file? This will be the topic of this article series.

Game assets in EFL


The article will demonstrate how to create some popular graphical elements of a 2D game using the EFL library in a Tizen Native Application. The topic presented here is based on the code of a sample game which was simplified in order to focus on elements such as an animated background, creating elements using 9-slice scaling, animations using sprites and making simple effects imitating three-dimensionality. 

Animations in Tizen Native Application


The article will demonstrate how to make animations in the Tizen Native Applications. The aim of the article is to present the possibilities offered by the EFL library which is responsible for building the GUI of Tizen native applications. We would like to present the subject in a concise way and using lots of sample code. The knowledge gained after reading this article can be used both for game development as well, as to implement interesting effects in the user interface.

Obtaining device orientation and acceleration using built-in sensors


The article will demonstrate how to use built-in sensors such as the gyroscope or accelerometer in Tizen Native applications. The topic presented here is based on the code of a sample game which was simplified in order to focus on a particular part of the Tizen Native API.

The article was created for developers who have basic knowledge of the C programming language. Developers reading this article should have basic knowledge about the Tizen native application life cycle as well.

Canvas2D mobile web game development – implementation


Before reading this article we recommend you to get familiar with the “Canvas2D mobile web game development – basics” where we introduced Canvas 2D API along with concepts of the game loop and the adaptive game loop. We also shortly described a basic web game architecture. A class diagram for sample application - Earth Guard - was presented. That’s why we recommend you to start with the previous article.

Cocos2d-html5 game framework in Tizen applications - Follow up

This is the continuation of the article about Cocos2d-html5. The previous part briefly described how Cocos2d-html5 works and introduced some basic elements, such as: sprites, layers and scenes. We will now focus on handling user input, playing sounds, running actions and more.

NOTE: The sample application, attached to this article, requires a device supporting the DEVICE ORIENTATION  event.