[SOLVED] SDK 2.2 installer for Mac broken?

[SOLVED] SDK 2.2 installer for Mac broken?

BY 25 Oct 2013 SDK & IDE

Trying to execute http://download.tizen.org/sdk/InstallManager/tizen-sdk-2.2/tizen-sdk-mac64-v2.2.32.dmg on my MacBook Pro / OSX Mavericks gets me this message “inst-manager.app is damaged and can’t be opened.”

Whats up? My OpenGL stuff seem to bug on the Ubuntu64bit emulator so I thought I’d give it a shot on the Mac just in case I’d finish the project by the app compo deadline but not looking too hot atm :p

EDIT: As a Mac noob I wasn’t aware you had to allow installations from “unidentified developers” (wtf) to do this. Weirdly enough I had no such trouble with SDK 2.1 and the error message was quite misleading. Sorry, false alarm.

– Matti



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