Running and debugging platform project from IDE

Running and debugging platform project from IDE

BY 04 Sep 2014 SDK & IDE

I’m looking for detail direction about running and debugging platform project on IDE.


I followed instruction about ‘Platform development with the IDE’ in below URL,


and I successfully build platform project package (with some additional works)

But, how can I run and debug this project via emulator?

Instruction (above) just says like

To run the platform project:

  1. Connect a device to your computer and select the device in the Connections view.
  2. In the Project Explorer view, right-click the project and select Run As > Tizen Platform Project
  3. To set the debug launch wizard configuration:
    This step is skipped if the project is an EFL application.
    1. Select the application project in the Tizen Application Project combo box or add files to the Additional Packagestable if the project needs application as app-core. The combo box shows the platform projects which exist in theProject Explorer.
    2. Click Next.
    3. Click Remote Browse, and select the binary.
    4. Click Finish.

    After setting the launch configuration, you can debug a project again using the debug toolbar menu and modifying the debug configuration.

But I don’t understand the meaning of ‘selecting tizen application project’.

And, when I tap tizen application project, there are no ‘application project’ but only platform project.

When I just click next, I should set binary path also, but I cannot get the meaning of test binary in here.


Please guide me about this.


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