PWD fle format for profile.xml (certificates)

PWD fle format for profile.xml (certificates)

BY 03 Dec 2018 SDK & IDE

Hi, there.

I have a trouble with the packing of a wgt file in Tizen Studio 3.0 on Ubuntu 18.10.
I can’t pack any project (even HelloTizen, TV v4.0). Every time the java-message “Invalid password” appears.
Advices to reinstall the studio or Ceftificate Manager are useless.

I found the path to build a wgt file: there is the attribute “password” in the tag <profileitem> of the file profiles.xml where
the path to the password file is written (e.g. <tizen-data>/keystore/author/*.pwd). If I delete this path and build a project
(CLI: tizen package -t wgt -s <cert_name> — <workspace_path>/HelloTizen) then receive command line prompt asking for a password.
After an entering password a wgt file is built and the path to a pwd file reappears in profiles.xml, but pwd file isn’t created.

I want to create the pwd file manually, but can’t find the info about the format of it. Can anybody help me?

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