Push notifications issues

Push notifications issues

BY 29 Jan 2014 Web Application Development


I’m facing several issues with push notifications.


First i’m able to successfully register / unregister to the push service.

Then i’m able to successfully send notifications to the phone.

If app is running, everything works fine : the notificationCallback registered with tizen.push.connectService(notificationCallback, errorCallback); is correcly call, and i’m able to get everything I need from the notification, including the appData value.


My issues are when the app is not running.

When I send a push notification, a new icon appears on the notification bar, if I send 3 notifications, 3 icons appears. 

If I click on one of the icons, the app is correctly launched but :

var notifications = tizen.notification.getAll(); returns me all notifications except the one I clicked on.

– appData is empty an all notifications. More or less same issue than this one : https://developer.tizen.org/fr/forums/web-application-development/how-get-appdata-payload-stored-push-notifications

– the notificationCallback is not called with the notification the user clicked on.


So I found  no way to know on witch application notification the user clicked when the app was not running.

But maybe I’m missing something ?


PS : I’m working on a 2.2.1 device.


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