Privileges: Samples vs own App

Privileges: Samples vs own App

BY 18 Sep 2020 General Support
Hello, i installed a selfcompiled sample app (HeartRateMonitor) to my Smart Watch. Everthing works fine, the permissions (Sensors/Location) were set without asking and the heart rate was measured. But when i treid to install my own app (native background service) with the same privileges set in manifest-file, the permissions were not set. Whats the difference here ? I can implement the privilege-requests as explained in the docs but was curious if there is a difference between the sample apps and my own apps or perhaps between Webapps and native apps ? One other question: I want to track activities in the background and send them to my server. The service is not recognizing activities, somnetimes i gotz a log entry with a STATIONARY activity or WALK, but this doesn’t happen often. Is the activity recgnition not active in my service ? Are there any configs to do, so that the service is getting continous activity recognition ? Thx
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