Tizen SDK v2.3 has C++ compiler and IDE supports C++. I wrote appplication with C++ classes and it works well.
But the release notes "https://developer.tizen.org/ru/tizen-2.3-sdk-release-notes" in the "Native Framework" section contains text:
"The primary development language for native applications has changed from C++ to C. However, the C++ standard library has been provided as an open source library, so C++ can still be used to create the application logic that does not use any Tizen platform features". This sentence raises some doubts...
So I would like to clarify situation with C++. Could you please answer on the following questions?
- Is it allowed to use C++ to create native applcation?
- Is it allowed to use Tizen platform features from C++ code?
- Is it allowed to use C++ compiler even C++ classes is not used?
- Is it planned to remove C++ support (IDE/compiler/standard library) from Tizen SDK in the next releases?
Thank you in advance,