

HD Recording by Tizen for Wearables (Gear 2)

The internal Camera app in Gear 2 can record video in HD (1280x720) formats. However, I tried the sample application in the SDK, but cameraControl.recorder does not have any setting parameters for recording size and it records movies by default (320px * 320px) which is the same as the Gear 2 screen resolution.

Here is the samsung code (/js/models/camera.js) Line: 289 - function startRecording():

settings.fileName = fileName;
settings.recordingFormat = getRecordingFormat(); //returns the only available format: 3GP
    onVideoSettingsApplied, //a callback function on Success.
    onVideoSettingsError //a callback function on Error.

I tried to add the following line:

settings.recordingSize = {width:1280, height:720}; //I just guessed recordingSize as I could not find anything.

but it gets error (error call back function arises) as CameraControl.recorder does not support "recordingSize" parameter.

In Tizen SDK, there is cameraControl.capabilities.pictureSizes to return all the supported sizes for photo capturing, but it can not be applied on the movie recording. As I checked the SDK and manual, there is nothing to mention about the Video Recording size for cameraControl.recorder.

Can anybody help me to find if there is any parameter, as it should be, because the native Camera app installed on Gear 2 supports HD recording.

I also tried to find out where the Samsung Apps are installed on my Gear 2, to check if I can access them or source codes some how.
Also, I downloaded the full source code of SM-R380 (Gear 2) from to check if I can find anything, but unsuccessful.