
Error SIGNATURE_INVALID after updating to SDK 2.2.1


Recently I have updated SDK to 2.2.1 (from 2.2.0 version).

Now when I launch my web application first time it's installed without any errors as expected.

But when I launch it next time,  I'll get error SIGNATURE_INVALID during update phase (RDS).

I already tried to generate new certificates, clean project, reset emulator, change time on emulator. No luck so far.

Starting to launch the Tizen web application.
Step > Initializing the environment for launching the package
    Setting the default context...
    Setting the target information...
      Target device name: dx
    Setting application information...
      Project name: tizenwinset
      Application id: O5V1TFdT6P.tizenwinset
      Application package name: O5V1TFdT6P
      Application guid: http://yourdomain/tizenwinset
      Application path: C:/Users/anatoly/tizen-workspace/tizenwinset/tizenwinset.wgt
    Initializing the environment for launching the package succeeded.
Step > Stopping previous running widget
    Stopping previous running widget command: /usr/bin/wrt-launcher --kill "O5V1TFdT6P.tizenwinset" > /tmp/null.deployer 2>&1; echo $? 
    Waiting for stopping previous running widget...
    Stopping previous running widget succeeded.
Step > Rapid development support[RDS]
    [RDS] Pushing file "C:/Users/anatoly/tizen-workspace/tizenwinset/.build/.build9447308b2621577a/author-signature.xml" to "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/O5V1TFdT6P/res/wgt/author-signature.xml" in target.
    [RDS] Pushing file "C:/Users/anatoly/tizen-workspace/tizenwinset/.build/.build9447308b2621577a/main.js" to "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/O5V1TFdT6P/res/wgt/main.js" in target.
    [RDS] Pushing file "C:/Users/anatoly/tizen-workspace/tizenwinset/.build/.build9447308b2621577a/signature1.xml" to "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/O5V1TFdT6P/res/wgt/signature1.xml" in target.
    [RDS] Pushing file "C:\Users\anatoly\tizen-workspace\tizenwinset\.rds_delta" to "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/O5V1TFdT6P/.rds_delta" in target.
$ /usr/bin/pkgcmd -q -r -t wgt -n O5V1TFdT6P
start process (update)
error : 22

end process (fail)
processing result : SIGNATURE_INVALID [22] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [649]ms
    [RDS] Cannot partially upload or reinstall.
    Because the RDS failed , IDE'll try to install whole package again.
Step > Uninstalling the package
    Uninstalling the package id : O5V1TFdT6P.tizenwinset
    Uninstalling the package command : /usr/bin/pkgcmd -u -q -t wgt -n "O5V1TFdT6P"
$ /usr/bin/pkgcmd -u -q -t wgt -n "O5V1TFdT6P"
start process (uninstall)

end process (ok)
spend time for pkgcmd is [3877]ms
    Confirm uninstall
    Confirm uninstall success
    Uninstalling the package succeeded.
Step > Transferring the package from host to target
    Repackaging is in progress before the package transfer.
    Confirm if the package file exist in local
    Transferring the package from host to target
    Transferring the package from host to target succeeded
Step > Installing the package
    Executing the install command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/tizenwinset.wgt"
$ /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/tizenwinset.wgt"
path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/tizenwinset.wgt
start process (install)
icon_path : /opt/share/icons/default/small/O5V1TFdT6P.tizenwinset.png
end process (ok)
spend time for pkgcmd is [9402]ms
$ rm -f /opt/usr/apps/tmp/tizenwinset.wgt
    Executing the install command succeeded.
    Checking for whether widget is successfully installed.
    Installing the package succeeded.
Step > Uploading delta to target
    Uploading delta to target succeeded.
Step > Running the package is started.
    Command for running: /usr/bin/wrt-launcher --start "O5V1TFdT6P.tizenwinset" --timeout="300"
    Result of the command
      result: launched
    Checking for running status
    Running the package succeeded.
Launching the Tizen web application succeeded.
(23.964 sec)




24 Replies
Lakshmi Grandhi


Check did you enabked the RDS mode for project, kindly unchek it and deleted the application id and install the app with new app id.

For reference check this post



Thanks for reply. But it didn't help.

Problem occures not only with my project, but also with the sample projects from SDK (e.g. "winset").

I tried to uninstall SDK and then install it again, but this didn't help me either.


Lakshmi Grandhi

Its a strange behaviour, i have raised bug in JIRA, kindly follow it for updates

Hendy Irawan

I also got hit by this issue :-(

Using SDK 2.2.1 on Ubuntu 64-bit

Hendy Irawan

disabled RDS ... still same error

regenerate ID ... still same error

change timezone in emulator from Seoul to Jakarta (time is auto-updated from internet)... still same error


strange thing is some apps are working, while other app do not work. BTW I work by copy-paste-ing an existing Tizen project then modifying, but usually this works just fine (as long as I regenerate the ID first)

Hendy Irawan

this is my build log :

Starting to launch the Tizen web application.
Step > Initializing the environment for launching the package
    Setting the default context...
    Setting the target information...
      Target device name: x86
    Setting application information...
      Project name: dictiorusengshort
      Application id: pBhqLcDdNf.RussianEnglishTranslator
      Application package name: pBhqLcDdNf
      Application guid:
      Application path: /home/ceefour/git/dictio-tizen/dictiorusengshort/dictiorusengshort.wgt
    Initializing the environment for launching the package succeeded.
Step > Transferring the package from host to target
    Confirm if the package file exist in local
    Transferring the package from host to target
    Transferring the package from host to target succeeded
Step > Stopping previous running widget
    Stopping previous running widget succeeded.
Step > Installing the package
    Executing the install command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/dictiorusengshort.wgt"
$ /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/dictiorusengshort.wgt"
path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/dictiorusengshort.wgt
start process (install)
error : 22

end process (fail)
processing result : SIGNATURE_INVALID [22] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [2389]ms
Exception occur...
Unexpected stop progress...
(3.929 sec)




Installing the package failed.

Error message:
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -i -q -t wgt -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/dictiorusengshort.wgt"
Management: Check author certificates in Preferences > Tizen SDK > Secure Profiles > Profile items.

Hendy Irawan

Resetting the Emulator image ... still same error

Deleting the image then adding new image... still same error

I've finally found the issue... it is because I have files with Russian characters in the name (UTF-8 encoded).

So Tizen doesn't support Unicode characters in the file names? If so, then that should be the error, and giving information on which file is affected... this needs better error message. Or better yet, please fix this as Tizen should be international ready.

Hendy Irawan

Reproducible test case:

Adding this single file causes the error :


(note that 'б' is not '6')


meng zhang


Have you solved this error (SIGNATURE_INVALID  error : 22)?Which method do you take?I got the same problem now. Thanks !

Konstantin Borodavkin

Hi there!

Any occurrence of non-latin symbols in a wgt file/directory tree causes such an error.

Thank gods and Hendy Irawan mentioning cyrillic.

For now the only solution that worked for me is to remove/rename all non-latin files/directories from the wgt source tree.

thanks again!

Hendy Irawan

Tizen SDK should fix this misleading error message...

Hmm... should file a bug report. Where?

Konstantin Borodavkin

idk, sorry. the whole system still looks like a draft epsilon-- version - too many bugs everywhere. I'm not sure there is any use in reporting a bug.

They did not publish any worth major release (including driver packs) since last year - I'm not sure there is a point in bug reports.

Thanks these forum pages are under google index - people still can find a solution here. **haters gonna hate**

meng zhang

My solution to this problem is like the following steps:

1:open ide(my ide is :tizen ide for wearable)

2:open emulator and make sure the emulator has loaded in the connection explorer.

3:After the emulator loaded successfully,connect the actual device with your computer by usb (my device is gear 2),make sure the actual device has loaded in the connection explorer.

and now we got both the emulator and actual device in the connection explorer,and the turn is :the first is emulator,and the second is actual device. 

4:run some application directly,it will be automatically run on the emulator,

5:and run this application again ,and this time it will be automatically run on the actual device.On my environment,the application has be run on the actual device successfully without Error SIGNATURE_INVALID any more.

I am not sure if it will be useful for all your condition.

hope it will make some help.

meng zhang

actually after loading emulator and the actual device onto the connection explorer,just single  click the actual device and leave the actual device highlight,application you choose  will be run automatically on the actual device successfully.hope it help.

Rick Worthington

Thank you meng, I was having a similar issue (tizen wearable sdk + gear 2) and your workaround has saved me a lot of time.  Not sure why it works, but I can confirm that it does.

meng zhang

:) glad that it works .

GyeongMin Kang
In my case, the problem was as the follows; the value in tag in certificate-registration.xml was not consistent with my device's actual DUID, so I generated certificate-generation.xml again for correct DUID and applied new certificate-registration.xml from Samsung.
Rajashri Pawar

Is certificate-generation.xml & device-profile.xml same or different?

Please reply.




daniel kim


Please refer to this description and wish this will help you.

   certificate-generation.xml --> this is old certificate format for Wearable SDK and we can reuse this legacy certifcate in Wearable SDK 1.0.0

   device-profile.xml --> this cerficiate file contains the DUID of your wearable device. actually you need to register device-profile.xml and author.crt to wearable SDK 1.0.0



Hi there,I got the same issue with my app. Yesterday, all works well ( signature incluse). But this morning, i got the error.

I work directly on my GearS.

I try to recreate the crt, the certificat. I check the DUID. I recreate the workspace, restart the computer, the GearS and the IDE.

But nothing works... 

Someone fixed this issue ? 


Konstantin Borodavkin

Hi there!


I used to have that issue regarding the non-ascii file names in the bundle. Try this hint - maybe it works for you.

lol... I am am unable to post - capcha errors :D


With kind regards, Konstantin


Hi ! 

I still have the same error. Anyone have an idea. This time, the capcha will not block the reponse . Or i hope so.

Thx in advance.

daniel kim


I suggest you to pull the device-profile.xml from your Gear S(\home\developer in connection explorer) and check this tag inside of file.

   <TestDevice> DUID </TestDevice>

If your device has wrong device-profile.xml, same phenomenon can be occurred.

I wish this will help you.

pradeep ramaiah

Make sure the time should be same in both system and the device you are using.